Gee i have been watching the news lately and we seem to have a spate of bad
news going on ,did anybody see the new on the little baby boy 18 month old from brisbane area killed by his step dad that was friends of ours, the grandfather works up here in beerwah got a call to say you best get down to brisbane ,his daughter went down to the shop and came back and her partner (who the baby was not to ) said the baby fell out of the change table.
by 9pm that night he was rushed to hospital they then said this baby has not fallen out of a change table and the baby died, the guy apparently was missing and they then found him dead in a park, what tragic news ,that poor defenceless baby ,then the parents were staying with the daughter and on sunday night in brisbane in the same street the neighbours mates next door decide to do some hooning so out go people and say mate its been a big week for these people hows about you quiet it down.
off go the hoons only to return and run people down in the street and throw bottles etc ,thank god they were caught and i hope they go to jail because as far as im concerned running people over in your car is intent to kill ,but lets see what the judge says ,if they are young like most they will get a slap on the hand something needs to be done about this countries laws.
This morning i turn the tv on and some family in sydney have just had there house blasted with bullets ,and just missed being killed.
struth , I cant understand some one taking anothers life, even a baby, thats just wrong kill your self if you have to, but leave the kids alone... struth... and i too hate watching the news ... no news is good news in my books
yes well its not very often we do watch it but we happen to be in the loungeroom when the tele was on and there was that little baby that we already knew about ,exactly go kill yourself poor innocent little thing not even any legs yet to run away or anything just 18mths old.
Much of this behaviour comes back to mental health. They are diagnosed with some psychosis or other, given a bottle of pills and left to their own devices. It's all very well while they take the medication, but if they stop, mix it with grog or drugs then all hell breaks loose and the wheels fall off. There's no one monitoring them in the day to day life, and then this sort of thing happens. The perpetrator could get off on mental health grounds. But there's no follow-up, no supervision and no care until things go wrong. Just like the child who died here in Adelaide a couple of weeks ago. He was living with his mother in appalling conditions, childrens services were aware but no one followed up or monitored the situation. There's not enough money in the system to pay people to do the following up and monitoring. Then it's left to the Police and the judicial system. While they can't lock up every mental patient, there does need to be some sort of supervision when they live out in the community on their own or with a partner and family.
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