Available 24 hours, 7 days a week to report non-urgent property crime and non-urgent incidents.
If the crime is not happening now, life threatening or there is little likelihood of the suspected offenders in the area, call Policelink 131 444 for non-urgent assistance.
To report non-urgent incidents of stealing; wilful property damage; break and enter; stolen vehicles or lost property contact Policelink on 131 444.
Website: policelink.qld.gov.au
Save Triple Zero (000) for emergencies. If it is not urgent, think Policelink. Call 131 444.
-- Edited by Sheba on Saturday 9th of July 2011 05:33:22 AM
This is apparently where ICE orignated from, NSW Ambulance service says the idea has merit but they don't accept any responsibility for it, see this link but please remember this is not a hoax;
Another site recommends also carrying some emergency details in your wallet in case you are unconcious and your phone is locked so emgency personnel cannot unlock your phone.
-- Edited by Vic on Saturday 9th of July 2011 11:06:30 AM
Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....
Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".
Spread the laughter Share the cheer Let's be happy While we're here.
I have an app on my phone for ICE and it is displayed on the screen and as my phone is not locked it is available if needed. I had reason to be grateful for it on a recent trip to Queensland when I left my phone on the table in a coffee shop and luckily an honest person handed it into the centre management office, They then opened ICE and phoned my son to let him know where it was. As it happened I was still in the centre when they paged me so no problem otherwise he could have emailed me to tell me where to pick it up or to arrange for them to post it to me
-- Edited by Clare46 on Saturday 9th of July 2011 11:21:32 AM