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Post Info TOPIC: Fishermen Beware.


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Fishermen Beware.

We visitied friends here in Darwin and they were telling us that an older man was caught at the Daly River with an over quota of fish. He had something like 35 fillets and the limit is considerably lower.

The authorities confiscated his catch, fishing gear, fridges and I think he said his boat.

They have been known to take cars and all he was saying.

I can't find the story online to give you a link though, sorry.


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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Just found the link, the boat wasn't seized.


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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Firefly wrote:

We visitied friends here in Darwin and they were telling us that an older man was caught at the Daly River with an over quota of fish. He had something like 35 fillets and the limit is considerably lower.

The authorities confiscated his catch, fishing gear, fridges and I think he said his boat.

They have been known to take cars and all he was saying.

I can't find the story online to give you a link though, sorry.

 Confiscating the car and/or boat seems like overkill to me, or a bit of an exageration... but, maybe I'm wrong.  confuse.gif



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Should have took the lot, cant tolerated greedy bloody fisherman. Take a feed and a few more, fish is good to eat fresh but about the only fish I know worth freezing is shark. Leave some for tomorrow


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so they should, fish is best used fresh,,i have been fishing you years and only ever take a small amount,, they should have taken his house as well, serve him bloody well right




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I think they confiscate so they don't tear the fine up and never pay. Because the laws vary so much from state to state, its sometimes way easy to walk. no

Yeah its silly to take too much, it sometimes ends up wasted and thats a crying shame.


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.




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There was something on the news yesterday about some bloke up north had worms crawling under his skin, they claimed they were from a fish that wasn't cooked properly and had worked their way through his stomach to his skin......sushi anyone ?

Don't know the finer details though, it was relayed to me by SWMBO......



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Ewww that sounds uncomfortable Vic. no


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.




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Yes, puts you off fish, wish I knew the type.  I don't think it was a hoax, but I wonder how the worms survived the gut acids etc, but then hook worm do (be careful walking around on the grass/dirt up there with bare feet, common in the tropics).  hmm bleh



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Don't know if the law has been changed regarding confiscation of property in Queensland, but I seem to remember in the '80's the authorities could take away property used in the execution of an illegal act.  EG. Vehicle and or Boat.

I think my husband of the time knew people this had happened to, for use of illegal Nets.

If I'm wrong, please let me know.



-- Edited by Sheba on Saturday 9th of July 2011 06:11:04 PM

An it harm none, do what you will.

The Master

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That was a true story Vic, I saw it on the news too. No way would I eat raw fish anyway.


Happy Wanderer    

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Look, only take what you can eat, and release the rest. Besides being good karma, what is the point of killing something you can,t or won,t eat. I run a charter boat, and have done so for 19 years, and have never killed more fish than I, and my customers could eat.Whats the point- fresh fish is always better than one that has been frozen for weeks.



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I remember going to the Coburg in the NT and people wanting the shop up there to freeze their fish. They refused saying only take what you can eat. Made sense to me.


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.




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Happywanderer wrote:

That was a true story Vic, I saw it on the news too. No way would I eat raw fish anyway.

 Sorry if this is a bit off topic FF, but thought it fitted your title too.

Marg, do you remember what type of fish or where it happened please?

FF, they had a TV program on NZ Fishing Inspectors catching abalone collectors and other fish both on the shore and on the beaches and they confiscated the boats and their vehicles.  Not too sure if they got them back later if they paid the fines etc though.

-- Edited by Vic on Saturday 9th of July 2011 11:13:59 PM



Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....

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Vic wrote:
Happywanderer wrote:

That was a true story Vic, I saw it on the news too. No way would I eat raw fish anyway.

 Sorry if this is a bit off topic FF, but thought it fitted your title too.

I did read somewhere about boats/gear etc being confiscated, but can't recall where.

Marg, do you remember what type of fish or where it happened please?


I did see it on tellie and if I recall right it was bream





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Paua or abalone is the targetted species in NZ. There are bag limits just like there is over here with most species. The Maoris are buggers for taking paua. Nice as patties. Better than our abalone because they're not as tough.
Crayfish is the other target species.
The bag limits here, in most states are generous enough for individual consumption. Even boat limits are adequate.
The nomads who stay in Broome for the 3 months fish every chance they get, and fillet everything for freezing, and returning to their place of origin.
They only catch their daily limit, but accumulate their catch. There are a number of favourite species like blue bone (parrot fish), finger mark, triple tail, salmon (threadfin) and a couple of reef species.


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The Master

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No I can't Vic. My sister and I commented on it at the time, sort of Yuck, won't be eating raw fish etc. Blaze could be right there.


Happy Wanderer    

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Thanks Blaze and you've jogged my memory it was bream I was told too, sheesh, I remember a few years back it was wild pig that had worms too you had to make sure was well cooked.



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I think TB was rife in wild pigs too



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blaze wrote:

I think TB was rife in wild pigs too

 Hmmm.....enough to make you become a vege......but then even they can have all sorts of bugs on them (vegetables/salads etc).

Some precautions though but the old story if you don't eat, you dont........, and if you don't......., you die anyway!. cry



Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....

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I still reckon if careful you are better eating non commercial/ fresh from the wild than commercial grown animals and veggies



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blaze wrote:

I still reckon if careful you are better eating non commercial/ fresh from the wild than commercial grown animals and veggies

  Good points Blaze, some of this tinned stuff from oveseas is a bit of a worry too.

Sorry FF, got off track again, back to the fish !! hmm



Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....

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All makes for information Vic. wink


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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blaze wrote:

I still reckon if careful you are better eating non commercial/ fresh from the wild than commercial grown animals and veggies

 I'll agree with that one Blaze.   Far too many Growth Hormones and Chemical Sprays on and in Commercial stuff.   Only problem is, Organicall grown is too damned expensive for us Pensioners.

They've only recently banned Endosulfan in this Country.   They used to spray it on Macadamia trees at Baffle Creek in the 80's, and when some of us queried him about it, the Manager of the time, said " Its so safe, you can drink it by the Cup-ful."    His exact words mate.    I've never forgotten them.

And the husked nuts used to go through a Chlorine  [Dioxin related.  I won't use public Swimming Pools any-more.]  bath, just off the end of the conveyer belt, before going into the storage Silo's.  The bath was outside the building, but we still used to get terrible headaches from the fumes in the sorting room.   Complaining was useless.

They used to burn Nut-husk in those days, and I think Endosulfan is related somehow to Dioxin as well.

If you ever come across a little Paperback titled " The Poison that fell from the Sky." read it.   You'll be surprised at what is Dioxin related.


Sheba.           [Sorry to be so long-winded .]


-- Edited by Sheba on Sunday 10th of July 2011 07:31:14 PM

An it harm none, do what you will.


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G/Day FF.Its been common knowledge as long as we have been going to the NT that IF  you do the wrong thing as in taking more than your limit etc, they can take all that you have , car,boat, etc & you fight it out in court.

We had the police, who are also the fisheries & water ways all in one, come through the camp where we were earlier this year & checking the catches. Also saw them nab a bloke for two unsecured fire arms,got himself some very heavy fines.

I have also seen them at the Mary rv, in plain clothes walking around with a fishing rod, having a cast here & there & watching what every one is doing.

Do the crime,  do the time.




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Sheba, not long winded at all mate, some stuff there I would never have known. wink

JC, its amazing what people try to get away with though isn't it, sneak a bit here, there and eventually someone gets caught. smile

Brett and his cousin had a great day fishing up here today, only took a couple each home, the rest went back for the next bloke.


I must be a binge thinker. I do it a lot at times, then, not much at all.



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Think thats it



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Hi to all - I have only fished for one day in my whole life ( if thats what i did )- can the old bugger have my quota - how many am I able to catch a day????


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Smokeydk wrote:


Think thats it

 Thanks Dave,

Scary stuff.  Also see this link on Hook Worm, a danger to mostly pets but can also affect humans, mainly in the northern and tropical areas of Australia and is particularly rife in the Aboriginal communities where sanitation is not soo good.   When living in PNG for awhile, we were warned not to walk on the ground with bare feet as they can enter the body through the soles of the feet.   See this link; 




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Vic wrote:

There was something on the news yesterday about some bloke up north had worms crawling under his skin, they claimed they were from a fish that wasn't cooked properly and had worked their way through his stomach to his skin......sushi anyone ?

Don't know the finer details though, it was relayed to me by SWMBO......

 A similar thing happened to a friend of ours who was posted to Bangladesh, and she was silly enough to eat raw fish.  She had to have the worm removed through her eye, at a hospital in London.  Not pretty but I know it to bed absolutely true...

If there is such a thing as a tourist season....   why cant we shoot them?
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