They were great times R & R, canoes we made ourselves out of a sheet of corrugated iron, wooden box back with a bit of upright 4" x 2" to make the bow, nails to attach the wood bits to, and pinched hot tar (in summer, or heat it up) off the edge of the road to seal the joins.
Then carry it to the nearest creek or swap/lake to use. To save carrying ours home we used to sink it in the water behind the bullrushes for our next visit. An of course make our own Billy Carts with pram wheels and steering wheels, Arnotts biscuit tin for a motor look and storage, tin cut mudguards etc.
With the "Bonfire Nights", "Cracker Nights" or "Guy Fawkes" nights, we had a lot of uncleared vacant land around where we lived and we used those blocks to build the fires. A bit of stealing went on too by rival groups, and some nasties even set fire to others bonfires before the due date. And of course some of the kids used to light the penny bungers and put them in peopeles boxes and run like hell before they got caught.
Yep, I suppose we are ancient Wombat, but by hell we had fun, it kept us occupied as well. Thank goodness we didn't have TV, PC's etc in those days so spent more time outdoors. None of this politcally correct stuff either.
-- Edited by Vic on Sunday 24th of July 2011 11:59:10 AM
Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....
Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".
Spread the laughter Share the cheer Let's be happy While we're here.
I grew up on my grandparent's farm in the Adelaide Hills. After numerous bushfires in November the powers decided it was not the best time of the year to send fire on sticks across the country. We used to burn all the wood which wouldn't burn in the wood stoves and fireplaces in the house, on the bonfire. Grandma had a hearing aid which took AA batteries, so we saved them up in Milo tins for the year, and chucked them in the fire. They let off a little "pop". The D size she used in the torch were a bit bigger bang. No one was ever hurt in the exploding of these devices. We had a lot of fun without blowing up letter boxes.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.