Thanks milo, just received your cash for membership, here is your membership card, you will need to print it out yourself because we do not have any stamps left to post it to you via snail mail.
Wow!!!!! You never know what you are going to find when you come on here. I think the engine should be back today, won't know anything for a few more days. Tomorrow am going with pregnant daughter down to Bendigo to her hospital appointment, so maybe Wednesday will pop around and see how things are going. I know he is having trouble getting a new speedo for Myrtle. Has tried a few places with no luck, says they are all faulty in some way so that era must have been a bad batch as no good ones coming forward.
Wombat, I sent my money this morning by Express Post and they promised it would be there this afternoon - a they gave me a special deal, being a princess and all that.
It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!
Wombat, I sent my money this morning by Express Post and they promised it would be there this afternoon - a they gave me a special deal, being a princess and all that.
Thanks Wombat - I am told I am a bit of a princess at times. Also I remember my youngest sister had a plastic horse with four wheels that you propelled by foot power and it was called Princess Helen after me. This was a very long time ago but I think it still counts.
It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!