Read on another forum that someone has used a rice cooker as a slow cooker for making curries and the like, never heard of this before but thought if it worked would be a great idea as would be less weight abd less room to store, anyone else tried this
I've found that a Shuttle Chef works very well as a slow cooker. A Dreampot would be no different. I have also cooked rice (absorption method) by briefly simmering it in the Shuttle Chef's Bain Marie saucepan and sitting it in the top of the main inside pot with the rest of the meal.
I bought a Kenwood rice cooker vegetable steamer from A well known (in SA) rental purchace store. It uses only 300W and is 0.6 liter (3 cups of rice). it has an inset that fits on top of the normal bowel for steamming. it cost $25 normally but was on special fo $15 so I got it. I have only been on one trip so I havent used it yet. It is small but I think it will bw perfect once Im on the road more.