Yes we're mobile again but at great expense. $5,000 this time & we still have to haggle with the mob in Kalgoorlie who sold us & installed a petrol pump which only lasted 2 weeks. We are now parked up back at Cherrypool R/A & will move on tomorrow. Thanks to all who expressed their concern
Good luck Kandagal let us hope that all the bugs have been ironed out now and you can enjoy your time Hope all goes well with the Kalgoolie lot. Helena.
Keith and Alice( kandagal) have arrived at Avoca Farmstay and are spending a couple of days here recuperating. They are parked up in the paddock near the main house and we have had a very social hour or 4!! Hopefully all their dramas are now over.
Keith and Alice( kandagal) have arrived at Avoca Farmstay and are spending a couple of days here recuperating. They are parked up in the paddock near the main house and we have had a very social hour or 4!! Hopefully all their dramas are now over. ____________________________________________________________________