Wonderful people that you all are,good on you for having a little chortle at such a delicate subject.Vic my friend nearly time for you to have a bit of divine guidance.I have to confess that a certain sailor from the "A.Team"was the catalyst to have a bit of fun with some of his old mates.
Wonderful people that you all are,good on you for having a little chortle at such a delicate subject.Vic my friend nearly time for you to have a bit of divine guidance.I have to confess that a certain sailor from the "A.Team"was the catalyst to have a bit of fun with some of his old mates.
That sailor from the so called a team has a lot answer for, lets burn him at the stake also.
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
This topic seems to be typically Australian, or Orstraylun. No matter what people at a party or in groups are discussing, it inevitably turns into toilet humour and other stories about breaking wind ('arting). If you're sensitive or an over-protected prude, you may be offended with a red face. Otherwise you'll just laugh with the rest of us. I've just been larfing!
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
The latest twists and turns in this very lengthy thread - quite apt symbolically because the average human intestine is 23 foot long - got me to wondering about combining use of a bucket with a specially fitted seat that seals (I've seen them in camping shops for about $30) and fully biodegradable plastic liners so that you could blast away and then bury it bag and all. Would this be an acceptable environmentally sound way to deal with it? The other way to go for those of us with creaky knees could be a fold up toilet chair so you could dig a hole, place the chair on top and bombs away.
I actually have one of those Elle. haven't used it for years though. If I remember rightly, you could clip a plastic bag under it. I also know people who've cut the 'bum' out of a camping chair or plastic chair.
My late s-i-l had a little folding seat she'd bought at a camping store. I'd seen them but thought they looked a bit flimsy...which they were...hers collapsed under her and she whacked her head on the bullbar when she fell. Nearly knocked herself out, poor thing! Lucky from the embarrassment point of view,,,it was early morning and we were far enough away so we didn't witness her caught with her pants down!
A funny incident was told to me about a certain person who wanted to go in a hurry, and her husband dutifully stopped the vehicle, removed a porta potti from the rear and opened both doors of the car for some privacy and sat the porta potti between them.
Sitting down on the porta potti she suddenly took off, the edge of the road was sloped with loose gravel and the porta potti and her ended up in a very undignified heap at the bottom of the slope.......
Hope none of you have false teeth. I think he would be a bit tough unless you cook him R....E.....A.....L slow. Might be better used as shoe leather........
Only kidding Ibbo. You are a sweet little man (well you are a tad shorter than me.....giggle)
About time we had a giggle.Thank you all for the atmosphere of friendship.Now before you get me started on Jerky I think it would be good idea to censor it.Lol.
About time we had a giggle.Thank you all for the atmosphere of friendship.Now before you get me started on Jerky I think it would be good idea to censor it.Lol.
Hmmmmm.......the mind boggles, but I'm not going to ask !!
Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....
Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".
Spread the laughter Share the cheer Let's be happy While we're here.