These flower photos are amazing. Thank you for sharing them. I personally am in love with our beautiful Australian Bush flowers I have studied three levels of Aust Bushflower Essences. The beautiful Cowslip orchid that you have photographed caught my eye, I just wanted to share it's properties with you.
The negative things it helps with are: Being Critical, jugemental, bureaucratic, nit picking.
The positive things it supports: Expressing humanitarian concern; impartiality; being able to step back from emotions; constructiveness; a keener sense of arbitration.
Hope you enjoy this post, we are travelling around Australia ATM so far for one year, we are off to Tassie for 3 mths in two weeks.
Looks like you have a great camera, that is on my wish list. Hope you get to travel again soon.
Happy travels
Got to keep moving and as Hippocrates the modern medicine guru once said "Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food