Thank you all once again Guys. Had a nice long sleep-in, then went for a drive to Emu Park, and collected the Paper on the way home. Wasted a bit of time at roadworks, but the Bushfire on Manns Rd. didn't come close enough to bother us.
Nice quiet day all round.
I should be on the road long before my 31st.
Thanks blaze. You guys sound as though you're enjoying yourselves over there. Keep it up.
Hey Sheba - I hope you had a great birthday with lots of champers, choccies, etc.
frome one Virgo to another - cheers Helen
It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!
Hi Sheba,
Glad to hear that you had a good day.
p.s. Bet it feels to be 30?
Cheers. Pam.
Safe and happy travels everyone.
Thanks TB and Esmeralda. No Champers I'm afraid, [can't afford that, although its one of the few drinks I like.]
No problem re. the Choccies though. Yum-yum.
Rarin' to go
Thanks Ellen. I had a lovely day.