Ok, its official. I'm homesick for Canberra! We'll be home in a week, and will certainly be visiting Floriade... usually go 2 or 3 times, as theres different things in flower.
Canberra really is a beautiful city in Spring! The weather isnt all that reliable at this time of year, but its been pretty changeable everywhere else too.
We are off to Canberra on Tue's. Going to the night floriade but the forcast is for rain oh well.Have been before & really liked it.Always prefer flowers in someone else yard that way I don't have to stay home & look after them.
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Gotta agree there, Canberra is stunning in the Spring. Residents literally get a spring in their walk, look 10 years younger, undergo personality transformations and the air is so thick with bbq smells you almost keel over. it is wonderful walking anywhere on the various lakes. I think Canberra does Spring and Autumn better than any of the other cities..... could get into trouble for saying that.
That's not good for a Nomad to be homesick. I hope it's only temporary and that you recover fairly quickly. I've seen pictures of the Canberra floral displays and it always looks beautiful. Then I'm a sucker for trees, flowers, gardens and wilflowers. This is the best time of the year when nature recovers from the cold of winter hibernation and shows the flush of new growth as the sun climbs higher in the sky for longer days.
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