I must be reading different threads ..... I've not seen any "hostility" .. or "negativeness" ... just shared differing opinions - the strength of the forum I thought.
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
me too womby - what have we missed? does a difference of opinion make it negative or hostile? There was one the other day I thought was a bit harsh - and said so - but everything else is just the same - havn't noticed anyone being hostile or negative at all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe this thread is a bit negative in itself?????????????????????
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
I suppose, as in all things, it is open to interpretation. To some there is nothing wrong, to others it feels personal and to still others its having a shot or a bit over the top.
In my interpretation there have been a couple of posts that could have had a bit more tact and indeed worded differently but still achieving the same end.
It is a good thing that we aren't all the same isn't it. Boring old world if we were.
I've only seen one thread where a bit of negativity had crept in, and Cindy closed that thread down. I thought we were and are a mighty cheerful bunch. Hope everyones having a funfilled sunday. Most will be watching Bathurst I presume. Its raining and cold here. I will be reading the sunday paper.
I've only seen one thread where a bit of negativity had crept in, and Cindy closed that thread down. I thought we were and are a mighty cheerful bunch. Hope everyones having a funfilled sunday. Most will be watching Bathurst I presume. Its raining and cold here. I will be reading the sunday paper.
Oh I feel for you HW, the sun is shining here and not a cloud in the sky but the down side is I had to empty my holding tank and on my van thats not a fun job. OH bugger from a positive to a negitive in my own post
We can all have bad days. Days when we perceive something as serious and negative, and other days when the same thing seems just fine. Try not to let negative people or posts worry you Gordon.
Compared with other forums we are angels!!! And I love it here!
I think all in all we have a great bunch, some of us get a little hot under the collar now and then or appear to be, but then we all kiss and make up (except Wombats of course, never kiss Wombats). I hope we never end up like a couple of other forums I won't mention, this one is certainly one of the top ones for friendliness IMHO.
I agree that occasionally some of us could couch our words a bit more carefully, and I don't exclude myself from that.