Thought I would show you our old set up we used for our trips.... I think the coaster will be more roomy but somehow I see me missing my car.. it took minutes to set up camp or get ready to take off... is an AWD altho it has a 4wd badge in the back... we had it lifted as far as we could for more clearence.. got one of those side tents for sitting n cooking... had the whole back area as a bed with storage underneath.. its an 8 seater.. and a rack ontop for extras... the dvd player n laptop came with us as well as a cooler.. any way here are some photos
Yup thats the one.. there are two sorts, one with no walls as a sun area and the delux... that comes with the walls... zips all around so you can open up anyside.. they are no good in storms tho as we found out when one came up suddenly... we were out at 2am in hail, rain n really really bad winds... the canvas was fine but the poles broke... we just went into the nearest BCF and got another one... I think it was around 120.00 or somewhere around there... cheap for an extra room, folds into a small bag.... easy to put together.... I suppose you could get the sun one for the back and this one for the side.. that would give you plenty of room.
Hubby did not like me doing all the lifting to move things etc so he said he would not go around Oz in this, we considered a rooftop tent but most of the over nightl stays dont allow for tents so we were unsure if we could use them there....... we bought the coaster bus with what his mum left us when she passed away... I think he'll be happier in that... as for me... I dont mind roughing it at all I would have been happy with the car, now I shall be going 5 star instead hehehehehe
Most of the camping stores sell them we got ours from BCF