Are they a worthwhile addition for digital TV reception or a clever marketing tool, my new HD TV is in need of better picture quality and if the caravan set is similar to my new tv unit at home we needed to buy a new aeriel and then the magic happened..........advices please.
I have one fitted on my van it took all of ten minutes to install and most of the time was in organising the ladder, It definitely improves the reception I was recently in Tumut where the van next door had almost no access to TV and I had good reception on all channels, purchased mine on fleabay for $54.00 hope this helps
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
I replaced the Wynegard with a saturn 3000. took all of an hour including getting the ladder up the back.
The TV was tuned to local stations and we got 26 digital channels and 5 analogue.
When I retuned it with the saturn antenna we got 36 digital channels(all watchable) and 9 analogue (not all watchable)
the amplifer in the saturn is 34dB and runs on the same voltage as the 15dB amp in the wynegard the saturn is also setup for vertical where the wynegard isnt
best $350 I ever spent on tv reception
Kathy and Frank currently at Home near Quirindi NSW