My nieces tell me that this generation of girls don't like woolley men, and that there are a whole lot of young fellows out the waxing chests these days.
Only if you want us to Cupie. I don't think you're the target of this attention. In real life you wouldn't qualify. But there are men and women out there, myself included, where gravity proves to be cruel. There are men who should definitely keep their shirts on for fear of being herded into the shearing shed to remove this year's fleece.
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Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
My nieces tell me that this generation of girls don't like woolley men, and that there are a whole lot of young fellows out the waxing chests these days.
Generations change
Amazing how times change. All the Hollywood boys had to be shaved right up to the 60's because chest hair (and hair in other places) was considered lewd and unseemly.
Then the hairy everything movie era was in full swing for a few decades.
Waxing is painful but women have been going through all sorts of torture for centuries to conform to contemporary trends.