Cool day here, 24 degrees forecast with possible showers and t/storms. Methinks they are guessing when it comes to the t/storms. Our forecasts do appear to be a guess most times.
Brz out of the SE.
Had a few maggies perched on the veranda rail singing for their breakfast this morning. I usually chuck them some bread when they turn up. We have a native garden which appears to be home or at least a refuelling stop for quite a variety of birds. Pleasant to just sit and watch them.
Lagoons Beach Tasmania, clear sky, gentle breeze about 20 degrees, first day I haven't had to wear a coat since we got here. It can stay like this for the rest of the trip as far as I'm concerned.
Plenty of rain overnight. 25mm. Still raining. 21 degrees forecast. A few places up the road copped 100mm yesterday. Certainly will not please the farmers trying to get their crops off.
After two really nice days it has now started raining again and the temperature has dropped quite a bit. Probably around 17 degrees at the moment but the wind chill factor is probably less than that