the 1st rule of any radio operator is listen first to make sure the channel is clear, then make your contact on ch 11 then go to another clear channel.
Truckies are great, have a chat with them when you are on the road.
-- Edited by _wombat_ on Saturday 3rd of December 2011 12:21:41 PM
I have only had a UHF radio fitted this week and was in Melbourne yetserday and the number of "idiots", "morons" and any other woulds like those that were on channel 5 was a discace and the language, well, that's another subject for maybe another time. I was heavilly involved in AM CB radio many moons back and it was at most times great fun and most users respected and appreciated CB radio useage then. I'm glad I don't live in Melbourne any more. It is nice and quiet here in down town Wonthaggi (South West Gippsland Victoria) or at least is is at the momment, holiday season is just winding up around this area so I'm sure the radio useage will increase as well. Roll on End of January 2012. Don't get me wrong Tourists are good, I'm one when out and about and appreciate and respect the areas I travel through and stay. I think I had better get of my soap box, SORRY all.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
I have no doubt at all wombat, it was just a bit of a shock and a bit disappointing. I did have a good chat though on the way home to a caravaner heading this way, infact we stopped at a safe area and continued the chat for about 30 mins or so, very nice people. Oops, I'm going before that soap box comes out again.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
I have no doubt at all wombat, it was just a bit of a shock and a bit disappointing. I did have a good chat though on the way home to a caravaner heading this way, infact we stopped at a safe area and continued the chat for about 30 mins or so, very nice people. Oops, I'm going before that soap box comes out again.
Keep that soap box active Doug, I for one have no issues with it.
Gosh did I miss a soap box never mind. How are you finding your uhf Dougwe? Blaze has lent me a hand held which I will test out once my van has her solar panels installed. A few people have strongly advised me to have a proper set up installed. Thanks Grumpy for posting that info - it's always disheartening when people misuse things out of ignorance.
I notice you say that channel 18 is a caravanners and convoy channel.
I find it is more frequently being used by trucks doing roadworks, earthmovers on roadworks and stop & g (oops) traffic controllers on roadworks, which the effect of completly bolcking this channel and is bloody annoying to boot.
I dont suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it.
I notice you say that channel 18 is a caravanners and convoy channel.
I find it is more frequently being used by trucks doing roadworks, earthmovers on roadworks and stop & g (oops) traffic controllers on roadworks, which the effect of completly bolcking this channel and is bloody annoying to boot.
Apart from channel 5 /35 (emergency duplex), 22 23 (data), 30 (Emergency Broadcast network) and the duplex channels being used correctly, there is no official set operater for the rest of the channels. It's more of an "understanding" between users. But yes, some users seem to think they own the channel and will sometime abuse you for cluttering "their" channel
Gosh did I miss a soap box never mind. How are you finding your uhf Dougwe? Blaze has lent me a hand held which I will test out once my van has her solar panels installed. A few people have strongly advised me to have a proper set up installed. Thanks Grumpy for posting that info - it's always disheartening when people misuse things out of ignorance.
Hi Elle, yeh, I couldn't help myself but get on my soap box, Margaret would be ashamed of me, she hated it when I did that. I got a GME TX3500 fitted to the car as I checked out a couple of hand helds and didn't think they covered the same distance. I had the chance to try both along side each other and the fitted one got a lot further so that was that. Apart from the idiots on air in Melbourne (reason for soap box) I had a great chat with a fellow caravannner on way back from Melbourne and ended up meeting with them in San Remo (Near Phillip Island) and had a great chat, very nice people. I don't think you would go wrong with a fitted one Elle.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
As someone who has to use UHF channel 40 for my work, I strongly recommend all travellers to listen to this channel at all times, except in parts of NSW where they use another channel on the Hume Highway. The information passed between trucks and pilots is invaluable when it comes to finding a spot to pull off the road when confronted by an oversize load up to 8.5 metres, especially if you're towing a caravan or trailer. If you never say a word, listening could save your's and other's lives. Respond to the operator if necessary, but if you want to chat go to another "chat" channel such as 16, 36, or 18, but no chat on 40 please. Forty is for passing on information relevant to the road conditions in the immediate vicinity, and the positions of the traffic cops and radars (flash for cash and hair dryers). In the metro area the radio gherkins who suffer from ADHD, and I suspect are passing sex offending codes and info, need to be locked up, but unfortunately they are hard to track down. Adelaide has Jack and a couple of others who preach about many topics, including sex offenders, and prove how stupid they are every time they open their mouths. Melbourne has an old drunk who hates the world and tells anyone who has to listen in his best fluent French. Sydney has a bloke who absolutely detests truck drivers and the transport industry in general. We use another channel in the metro area to get the info between truck driver and other escorts. Out on the open highway we have to use 40 and it's ok out there. This list has been distributed on this forum before. I keep a copy in the car for future reference. Thank you for posting it again. It gives me a chance to get on my "soap box" about the value of carrying a UHF radio, even a hand-held, even if you never talk on it. I have to carry both.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Good on ya Chrissy keep up the good work you do and good to see another "soap box". As a heavy vehicle driver (buses/coaches) I have great respect for fellow heavy vehicle drivers and escorts (and all users of the road). I think it should be compulsary that you should be at least told about heavy vehicles as in how different they are in handling than cars when learning to drive. Now that I am starting to holiday travel around I know what to do around heavy vehicles and one of the reasons for fitting a UHF radio to my car is to know what is going on around me while out and about it's just a shame we have to put up with idiots. IF THEY ONLY KNEW But then they are such idiots they wouldn't care. I intend to print a copy of the list and laminate it then keep it beside the car seat.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
yes .. lotsa good points here from Doug and Chris ..
I think the emphasis Chris placed on 'listening' cannot be over-emphasised at all. Many travellers have UHF but seldom use it. One of the reasons is that there is a 'fear' of having to talk on the radio .. It's easy to listen to, but transmitting is often another kettle-of-fish to them.
In my travels I seldom transmit on the UHF but usually listening to it in the background. Once one is familiar with truckie-speak it's not hard to follow conversations. If you are confused by something you overheard, there is nothing to stop you simply talking to a truckie at a road stop somewhere and finding out. You will find that if they know you are trying to enhance your on-road abilities, they will be more than supportive.
Apart from being made aware of the usual road conditions etc, there is a lot of general information passing across hands which can be most beneficial ..
If you can, make a point of having some fun chatting with others that you know when you are not travelling and gradually get more familiar with your radio. Unless you do that, and make mistakes, it will always be a concern for you ..
Why am I saying all this ? .. well .. you might be the only one in a position to save someones life one day .. it could be mine .. or your sister in the other vehicle .. Food for thought !
Funny you should say that Jonathan, I tried to explain this to a friend in a motorhome, she didn't want to know. Because she has a handheld one it would be too hard. She had too many other things to think about while driving. Then on a road last week she got caught with lots of wide loads and they were waving her off the road where there ere probably soft sides, she got really annoyed about it all as where was she supposed to go, the machines were huge taking up all the road, they were waving her off the road, It happened more than once on that day on that road. etc etc. I suggested she listen to the radio and she would know before hand they were coming and would be able to find somewhere more comfortable to get off the road. No way, she wasn't going to listen to all that language on the radio and as I said before had too many other things to worry about on the road, etc etc. I gave up.
Hi Marj, don't give up on your friend keep trying to get her to listen at least, just keep the volume down a bit and if something gets her attention turn it up, that's what I am doing. As you are aware it is most important to know what is going on around you, it's like the mirrors in and on your car, keep looking in them to know what is going on around you at all times and if something gets your attention you respond, same with the UHF. A very important piece of equipment, if only all would use it correctly. There I ago again, shut up Doug. I am in Echuca a few times a year so next time I'm up that way I will give a yell Marj.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Anyone who has heard the UHF radio in the metro area will know you can learn all sorts of language not in the dictionary, and we didn't learn at school. We may, however, have learnt it in out working life later on. I urge you to open your mind, ignore the colourful language and listen to what is actually being said on air. It's in your best interest. The women, and men, who pretend their fragile ears are being bent by this bush language, are kidding themselves. No one is so protected and prudish, and I don't care what you try to convince me. You've heard it before. It's not the language, but the content of the transmission which could save your life, as in Marj's friend's case. If you do have a radio in your vehicle, please, please, please talk to the truck driver or pilot. They will hear you. You don't have to have broadcast quality voice, and perfection diction. It's not the wireless, it's the citizen's band radio. If you are attempting to overtake a truck, or you're following a wide load and would like to go around, please talk to the wide load team. They will only be too happy to make a spot for you to overtake, thereby reducing the opportunity for you to make a stupid decision by overtaking at the wrong time, and threatening the life of every road user in your vicinity.
An issue has arisen in SA regarding UHF radio. One of those air-wasting prattlers in the metro area has antagonised a few too many people and they retaliated. The story was on Adelaide TV news last night (Mon). The bloke known as "Jack" suffered head injuries and his car was burnt in the backyard. "Jack" defended himself with a butcher knife and did inflict some injuries on his attackers. Jack is infamous for his philosophies and blind misinformation. He's grossly offensive with his politically incorrect prattle. He pleaded "victim", and wanted to be recognised as the hero, the star, the cool dude, but it backfired. He even bragged about how much he could claim as the victim of crime. While I would never advocate violence, the issue is this bloke claimed he was the innocent victim, when in fact he'd antagonised hundreds of people every day when they use UHF Ch 40, to the point someone felt the need to fight back. Not right, but this guy has become the victim of the circumstances he created by his banter on the 2-way radio. He won't discuss or debate, just preach. Now he won't talk to the media because he's no not the hero or innocent victim.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I had an occasion this morning as I was heading over to meet up with daughter. All the way the UHF was static, I knew someone was trying to talk. I always listen to Ch 40. Couldn't hear a thing but thought there had to be a wide load or a truck in the vicinity. As I was about to round a bend towards the Echuca Moama bridge here was a wide load of harvesters coming towards me. I immediately pulled over just before the bend, the guys all gave me a nice smiling wave and as I sat there I could hear by now there was more coming over the bridge. The pilots had blocked off the bridge with traffic piled up but luckily I was going past the end of the bridge not over it so was able to go on my way.
A perfect example Marj. I don't know why you would have only heard static at that close range. Maybe have the connections checked. I have worked with one truck driver who discouraged me from talking on the radio in the course of the job, which endangered everyone in his vicinity. He's the dangerous exception. Fortunately the load wasn't very wide - or not wide enough to cause too many problems, except in the dark of pre-dawn. That's another risk.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
CG it was perfectly clear once in the same vicinity as them and for 5 minutes after till I turned the van off. At least 2 ks up to then thats all I could hear, just the static.
All you nomads out ther YOU LISTEN TO CHRISSY OK. She talks a lot of sense.
I'm a truckie from way back and only wish UHF's were the go then. Might have saved a couple of lives that I know about.
Just ignore the language if you don't want to hear it but it's a small price to pay for yours and other road users safety. AND NO, I'm not condoning bad language at all.
I have noticed here in Tassie they don't use bad language and use the UHF for it's intended purpose. Good on you guys and girls. Maybe some lessons to your mainland counterparts would be good......if only.
Wouldn't be without our UHF has saved us three times since we started living the dream.
Marj, please direct her to this forum thread. She needs to broaden her horizons and get with the UHF action, or there's no point in having it in the vehicle. It's not just for calling for help when in strife. It serves more purpose if we listen to it.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.