Just read on the home page here about park rangers having to clean loos, pick up rubbish etc. They should do as they do in WA. Have a great army of volunteers. We have been doing vollie work in WA parks for about 10 years & they have a great system. So yes, we've cleaned loos, picked up rubbish, cleaned BBQ's, collected camping fees etc. But we've enjoyed it & it frees up the rangers to do other things. WA parks say they get about 400,000 man hours put in by vollies each year & could not afford to run the parks if they lost them. Earlier this year we looked after acampground near Margaret River for all of Jan & Feb.
Michael and I cleaned them up a couple times at Greens lack a few weeks back...And the ranger bloke was most grateful....I believe it's mainly the locals that abuse the toilets (Young Kids who don't fully press the buttons and clog up the system
I always leave my camping area cleaner than I found it.
Michael and I cleaned them up a couple times at Greens lack a few weeks back...And the ranger bloke was most grateful....I believe it's mainly the locals that abuse the toilets (Young Kids who don't fully press the buttons and clog up the system
I cleaned the toilets every day at Jerico when we were there and often give the freebies a sweep out when we stop over.....it is a small price to pay and a show of my appreciation for the convenience.
Why cant we all do bit of cleaning after all if we dont how long will it be free camping if govermant have to pay rangers to do it .... after all it it just giveing back???...
The clearest path in life is always the one behind you....
Park Rangers really shouldnt have to clean toilets, many of them have degrees, can you imagine going to Uni for 4 years to clean dunnies!!
The volunteer system works well in other states, dont know why they dont do it in NSW.
Like every occupation, the moment you turn a labourers position into a pseudo degree course the menially tasks that once help create the position become lost and everyone then wants to become a member of the chair borne division and sit on their behinds creating new subordinate roles to create an empire . If we can't afford to fund and staff the parks then stop declaring more and more and locking the taxpayers out while asking for more taxpayer funding to run them . If there is any suggestion of using the NSW National Parks Association to do the task then I suggest a close look be taken of their web site and policy position relating to the use of parks . If they get their way walking on the grass will be forbidden
Pets are welcome but children must be leashed at all times