Any one haveing problem reading new messages i had 2 this morning but could not read then any one who has sent me a p/m sorry if i have not repley ... please send again ..thanks
The clearest path in life is always the one behind you....
There must be something wrong with the forum program... it says I have 4 private messages but the only ones visible are the ones I've already read. And posts are marked unread after they are read too.
The message bit might be fixed (I didn't have any trouble in that department) but the bit where it shows new posts etc is still the same, not working, shows it hasn't been read when it has and if you post if stays as if undread until someone else posts after you
Hi all, Sparklit have said that they were aware of the PM problem but that they were planning to sort it out after a planned hardware upgrade. I've written to them again so hopefully all will be okay soon. Apparently the 'read' and 'unread' post issue was caused by one of their servers being out of sync with the other. Hopefully that will be sorted out soon too. Thanks everyone for your patience.