I am on this and FB only This site gives me all the contacts that I need while FB keeps me in touch with family and friends outside GN. May visit others if I am seeking info or advice about other stuff not covered by those two. Brian
You only live once, but if you live it right, once is enough !!!!!!
Hi Pejay, I must say, I got used to using emails all the time when I was working full time and still use it a lot now to keep in contact with family and friends. I did about 12 months ago give face book a try only because my daughter was OS and wouldn't do FB and Email, even to her Dad, although I did get a couple of emails when I begged. I was so glad when She got home and then I very quickly closed the account never to return. A Niece had a Blog when OS but stopped that as I got a virus somehow and caused a few problems so like FB never to return to any Blogs. I like my emails, I know what I am doing with them. DOUG.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
I belong to a few forums of various different subjects. As far camping\caravaning, only two.
Facebook and twitter are not forums. Do have a facebook account but cannot be stuffed with twitter.
I do find it odd that a fair few people are quite confused about facebook. Can't recall who and don't really care, but someone once mentioned that facebook takes too much space on their hard drive. Thought that a bit odd of a comment but oh yell...to each their own.
Well, I'm a facebook fan- only way to keep up with the young folk, and they have the opportunity to keep up with me.
AND I play farmville and need neighbours if anyone else plays.
I am a member of a few genealogy forums and email lists. These days I avoid genealogy live chat - they take themselves so seriously....hmmmm.
Hi Rip and Rosie, I'm a fan of FB, keep up with my famz both here and NZ and also keep up with school friends I haven't seen since I was 15 yrs old. Sorry don't play farmville.
So interesting you mentioned about friends you have not seen since 15.
I have recently had lunch with a friend I have not seen since Primary School and we met through facebook. It was so exciting. In fact we only live 30 min away from each other. Am meeting another one of my PS friends in Feb as well. I also have many of my former primary students on facebook. so good to keep in contact with them.
Hi, Im on one other forum, the caravan/camping one, I find this one easier to navigate and much friendlier, could be ebcause I dont use the other one much. I joined FB so I could stay in contact with my kids (was on FB that I found out when my 2nd grandson was born, and that my daughte is about to move house). I follow a few blogs (yeoelevens) and I use paltalk (a chat program with text, sound and video) a bit, but its getting harder as my deafness progresses.
I'm on a dozen or so different ones. Fishing, Campertrailer, 4WD, electronics and other technical info sites. But I don't usually post a lot on others and tend to visit all forums in spits and spurts depending on the topics running at the time.
This site was my introduction to forums. I have joined 2 other caravan forums but have found this one the easiest to get around and use and has the best number of up-to-date threads happening. I'd love to hear of some patchwork ones as mentioned above!
Sorry Marj... but most men don't stop doing something just because of a ceremony/committment. Obviously something else happened...like...she didn't like or, or his values changed.... something
-- Edited by Rip and Rosie on Monday 23rd of January 2012 07:32:20 PM
A quick squint through my favourites shows up 14 forums. Some, like Aushunt, obviously a hunting forum mainly are not of much interest but sometimes you come across some useful info in any outdoor forum... fishing,m caravanning, hunting, bushwalking, all are interrelated...
If there is such a thing as a tourist season.... why cant we shoot them?
A quick squint through my favourites shows up 14 forums. Some, like Aushunt, obviously a hunting forum mainly are not of much interest but sometimes you come across some useful info in any outdoor forum... fishing,m caravanning, hunting, bushwalking, all are interrelated...
hummmm..... can see the links between caravanning and bushwalking, and maybe fishing, but hunting?
to each his own, but hunting has to be a minority pass time surely.
Take photographs and tell all their mates how big and brave they were to shoot the poor animal with a high powered rifle and a scope so they didn't have to get anywhere close to the animal before it is dead.
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia