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Post Info TOPIC: Qld Winter? meet Cobb & Co Nine Mile Campground.


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RE: Qld Winter? meet Cobb & Co Nine Mile Campground.

Great! Look forward to seeing you again Norma, and hopefully you too justcruisin!


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




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Happywanderer wrote:

Was talking to JazzinAround tonight, told her about the meet.
She's keen and hopes to make it too. Will be in the general region.
Beth I looked in my Camps 5 book tonight. Couldn't find it.

 I have Camps 6 and it's in there. There's a map on their website.

And that would be good if J comes.

-- Edited by Beth54 on Saturday 4th of February 2012 09:35:09 PM


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.



The Master

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Will check out the map. I see its 159 in your Camps 6. Not that in Camps 5.

-- Edited by Happywanderer on Saturday 4th of February 2012 09:47:30 PM


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Happywanderer wrote:

Beth, Is the only way into the Tandur road to turn off right in Gympie or is there another turn off further south.


The actual turnoff is about 6kms south of Gympie, opposite the Matilda Roadhouse. It's not the only way, but the quickest and easiest. 

I actually prefer to be off the highway,,,the secondary roads are usually less stressful.

I've just Google mapped, and coming from the south, you could go through Traveston, or even further south through Cooroy, Pomona and Cooran and follow Old Noosa Road. This is a good dirt road which is well travelled.  Lots of farms along there. In fact, we went in from that direction when sis & bil wanted to see it. We had been to Boreen Point for lunch. It's a lovely drive. 

But wouldn't you be coming from Biggenden?

-- Edited by Beth54 on Sunday 5th of February 2012 12:30:51 AM


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.



The Master

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Posts: 12473

Was talking to JazzinAround tonight, told her about the meet.
She's keen and hopes to make it too. Will be in the general region.
Beth I looked in my Camps 5 book tonight. Couldn't find it.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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Happywanderer wrote:

What number is it in your Camps 6, Beth??



Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.



The Master

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Posts: 12473

Beth, Is the only way into the Tandur road to turn off right in Gympie or is there another turn off further south.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open




The Master

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Thanks Beth. Most likely I will be coming from Biggenden. But I may have been down to the Eumundi Market or something like that.
I know the Matilda Roadhouse, I've filled up there.
Will depend on where I am at the time.

Stupid spelling mistakes.

-- Edited by Happywanderer on Sunday 5th of February 2012 12:14:28 PM


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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We usually head up to Queensland a bit later than that, but if we can change our Spirit of Tasmania booking, we will hopefully be there to meet a few members.



It's a big lovely country.


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Okay Marj.

Landfill, it would be lovely to meet you too.


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




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Beth54 wrote:

Okay Marj.

Landfill, it would be lovely to meet you too.

 "Landfill" is what they do at the tip.

"Landfall" is what most yachties, look forward too.

Tried to change the dates, but the best we could do was 16th May, which would get us up to the "gathering" at about the 20th or 21st?

Will anyone still be there?




It's a big lovely country.

The Master

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Hi Landfall. Some of us, including me, intend staying about two weeks, which takes us up till the end of May. Hopefully you can make it.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open





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I'll probably still be there too.


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




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Thanks, things all being equal,

God willing, we will see you there.




It's a big lovely country.

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Dare say I'll still be there at that time.  Look forward to meeting everyone.


N.O.M.A.D.  Normally only me and dog.


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Jack Mac wrote:

Dare say I'll still be there at that time.  Look forward to meeting everyone.

 Oh, you've changed your avatar John. Nice to put a face to the name, after all our chats.


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.



The Master

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Posts: 12473

Anyone else adding their name to the list yet??
Has been quiet on here for a while.


Happy Wanderer    

Don't worry, Be Happy! 

Live! Like someone left the gate open






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Think everybody that's going has all their information now.


Age is an attitude.........NOT a condition


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Still have no idea what I'll be doing. Will make it if I possibly can



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I am hoping to go there if all plans come together.



Brian and Lorna.

4.2 Patrol & 19.5 Kedron TE.


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.. Still hoping to get there .. but cant yet commit as I've now got a few more activities to be scheduled in ..



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Oh my Jonathan, what a real surfer dude you were!

My apologies to all for any confusion re the two other threads on this subject.

I've PM'd Cindy to close the other two threads and we'll just continue with this one.

Thanks for all the imput and replies. We look forward to seeing anyone who's able to come. smile



Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




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Can you remind me which Month it is now please Beth ?



An it harm none, do what you will.


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Sure Sheba.

It's May, the week starting the 14th. Come for as long or short as you can, a few of us plan to be there for a week or two.




Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




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Posts: 8735

Thanks Beth.  Some-one mentioned June on another thread, so I thought I might be able to make it, but probably not now.   I think the earliest my friends will be back will be at the end of may.

Oh well, maybe next time.



An it harm none, do what you will.


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We did start off talking about June, but I thought because it's near Gympie that June will be too cold, well for me and my Asthma anyway. So I was the one who suggested May, and the majority went along with it.

June would have been fine if there'd been someplace more to the north, but there didn't seem to be anything suitable to cover all requirements.

So this was a compromise.


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




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Posts: 1969

Also still too early for me to commit as well and can I just double check....the cost is $20 per night for 2 people is that correct??


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.


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Boroma577 wrote:

Also still too early for me to commit as well and can I just double check....the cost is $20 per night for 2 people is that correct??

 That's right. I personally like the fact they advertise $10 per person. One of very the very few.


Beth, now living on the Redcliffe Peninsula, SEQ.




Status: Offline
Posts: 1969

Beth54 wrote:
 That's right. I personally like the fact they advertise $10 per person.

Thanks Beth

I originally thought it was $10 per vehicle which is more to my liking....would cost me $100 to stay for 5 days at the per person rate.


Destination: AUSTRALIA....... all over.

Veteran Member

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Hi all,
I am planning to be there too. Not quite sure of the date as my sister may be able to house sit for me. If so, I may be a bit late to fit into her schedule.
See you there


Have fun, hurt none.

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