Hello HW, I've been on the road and too busy chewing up the miles and dust to press the keys on the pc. I was looking for some spare parts in a storage box in the back of my truck and found the pc instead.
Thought I should dust it off and see if it still works. Actually I had forotten about it all together. I'm going to clean out the other side of the box tommorrow, who knows what I will find.
-- Edited by jack biggles on Monday 30th of January 2012 06:16:56 PM
I detest cigarette smoke too. I try to be polite about it to strangers, as opposed to the majority of smokers who don't give a damn. If it's someone I know, that's a different story. I tell them in no uncertain terms to move away. And I don't care if they don't like it.
But it's not just the smoke going into my lungs after it's been in theirs, it's their body smell, their house, everything around them stinks. And I find that just as repulsive as the smoke itself.
But I do find that smokers are in the minority now. When I was young I was the one who had to keep walking away, but the tables have turned as they finally realise what they're doing to their health.
Oh, and yes Pauline, I also avoid exhaust fumes and campfire smoke.
-- Edited by Beth54 on Monday 30th of January 2012 09:16:06 PM
My heart specialist who I went to for many years recently had to retire through ill health (terminal lung cancer)........he was a smoker, had tried to give it up but didn't succeed.
I won't say anymore as it still upsets me, he was such a terrific surgeon and person....
-- Edited by Vic on Monday 30th of January 2012 11:12:01 PM
Hi Ace Pop Top Campervan & A'Van A'Lite Camper Trailer.....
Khalil Gibran says "We tarry forward - not backward".
Spread the laughter Share the cheer Let's be happy While we're here.
I like a campfire, just not the smoke if it blows my way. By the way, I'm an Asthmatic, but I know Asthmatics who smoke anyway. I don't understand how they can breath, but that's their choice, I guess.
It seems to me that maybe Jack Biggles would have had better success with a little 'sugar'.
PS..I also have a family member dying from Lung Cancer. She's been a chain smoker and alcoholic for many years. Very sad, especially for her children and grandchildren.
-- Edited by Beth54 on Monday 30th of January 2012 11:27:59 PM
I don't want to pick a fight, however I will stand up for myself when you put me in danger.
Why don't smokers think about the impact of their actions on others. If you want to smoke, go right ahead BUT PLEASE, not near the open door or window of my van.......not everyone wants to share your filthy habit.
There is enough evidence out there in this day and age about passive smoking & its about time people wake up to themselves.
Totally agree with you Jack Biggles, why should we have to whiff in their smoke when all they have to do is move away. Where have you been Jack Biggles, noticed you on antoehr thread a few minutes ago. You haven't been on in a long while.
You must be having a great time in your travels to forget about your pc. Good on ya, How far have you been or where, more to the point. Some interesting places I bet. Be careful when you scatch through that box, could be gold bars in there Jack Biggles.
Myrtles going very well now, a lot of work done on her, now putting on a new awning. She's nearly ready to take me north for winter. Ironed out all the hiccups on short trips around here, I hope.
Smoking stinks! There's just no denying it. The smell of tailor-made fags just stinks. I can smell a smoker at 20 paces, and everything stinks like the stinking tailor-made smoke. Yeah, I'll admit I'm a reformed smoker. Thirty a day to nil overnight, 30 years ago, and never regretted the decision, and I reckon I'm healthier because of it. (If only I could lose weight so easily. ie. stop eating!) Oddly enough I love the smell of fresh tobacco and I can still roll one. I don't mind the smell of rollies or pipe, but I can't handle tailor-mades. If they have to smoke, may they keep it down wind.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Granny, Makes me cranky. Last night Im just sitting in the van watching the Telly, minding my own business and next minute I can smell it. I look out the window and theres a chap there in the dark, smoking, not two yards from my open window. I ask him what he's doing and he told me he was looking at my van & I told him to shove off and I went on to explain that the smoke was offensive to me & he wanted to argue about it. I closed the window (both of them) and shot out there in my PJ's and he wasnt a very pleasant chap, thinks he has the right to do what he wants where he wants.
I tried to explain to him that I had a right to fresh air and he said he had a right to smoke. I told him that his free right to smoke shouldnt impact on my right not to have the smoke. I promised him 2 things, first, I wouldnt stand at his window and blow fresh air into his van & second, if he didnt take off straight away or hell would break loose!
Ive got myself a squirter bottle now, im going to put kero in it and squirt the mongrel if he comes back tonight......then we will see some smoke of a different kind.
Ive got myself a squirter bottle now, im going to put kero in it and squirt the mongrel if he comes back tonight......then we will see some smoke of a different kind.
Completely understand the frustration .... but word of advice ... I really hope your comment above is made completely in jest .................
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Give me a break mate, so sick of all the bleeding hearts in this country, I smoke and have for many years and last time I bought a packet of smokes it was totally legal to do so and another thing I am a very good Australian tax payer who probably pays more tax then you........so sick of being thought of as a lepor in this country when all I have ever done is try to be a great Australian and so what if I enjoy a cigarette, get a life for goodness sake.
I also do ma but am so sick of the fact that if one person forgets to keep downwind of someone they have a go at everyone....there are a lot of other practices in this great country that annoy lots of people but for some reason no one says anything about that, just sick of how precious we seem to have all become.
Certainly hope Biggles isn't one of those people who decide to start up their generator without concern with which way the wind is blowing. Been in enough camps where the stated time for shutoff of generators is around 9pm and people insist on using them right up 'til that time even though they can see their neighbours have gone to bed and would like some quiet.
I was a smoker once but at 30 I was told by my doctor if I didn't give it up I would die within 10 years. I never smoked again.
At the young age of 52 I am now on a pension due to bad lungs. I was born with them but didn't know it till I was 30. At 40 after many tests the doctor told me I have the lungs of a 110yo, I wish he would come and get them & give mine back.
I don't mind other people smoking but NOT WHEN I COP A LUNG FULL OF SMOKE. If i inhale any smoke it hurts & makes me cough and when I cough it can hurt very bad &then agravates my lungs which makes me cough more then I can be in pain from weeks to even months.
I'm not sure if many smokers realise the pain & discomfort they can cause other people, maybe if they did they would be more thoughtful
Home is where we hang our hats - Home now in Yamba NSW
It seems belligerence begets belligerence. Most smokers are more than happy to move on if you state your concerns. Who knows with a bit more latitude you may have made a good friend. Not all smokers are demons.
Really feel for your problem jon, but I do not have the problem you were born with and grateful that I do not, but there are a lot of things that would exacerbate your problem other than a smoker, hope you don't ever sit outside in a cafe eating a great breaky inhaling all the fumes from the cars passing by......sorry no one will ever win this argument so will leave it here.
I detest a lot of smells and body odor that come from a lot of people also, and it is not cigarette smoke, anyway we will have to agree to disagree I am afraid, who says your house smells better then mine.........that is a very big generalization in my opinion, but I do love a campfire, anyone else.
A doctor [ who smokes ! ] once said to me, Give me 0ne non-smoker and put him in a room with 100 smokers for 10 minutes, and i will gaurantee that he will not die, But give me 100 people put in a room with one car running for ten minutes, and he will gaurantee that they all will die What with the world we live in today we cannot avoid unhealthy living, with preservatives, hormones, and additives that they put in our food chain and waterways what hope do we have, fresh milk used to last 2-3 days, chickens go from Eggs to table in 6 weeks, sure smoking is not good for anyone, but smokers pay good money and a lot of tax to fund their addiction, yet they get treated worse than low life drug addicts that steal and rob to fund their habit.
Smokers have No right to let the smoke annoy other people, and the majority go to great lengths to avoid this, however if it does inadvertantly drift your way, Be polite and the problem will be solved, but be a rude pig about it, then expect the smoker to also be a rude pig I have given up 3 times in 10 years for up to a year at a time, have been back on them for 2 years but only smoke 60 a week You respect my rights, and I will respect yours And besides we are subsidising the fuel costs you know,?? if the goverment put into practise what they preach. And banned cigarettes do you have any idea of the unemployment that would create ?? and the billions of $$$$ they would lose in taxes. they would have to replace that tax from somewhere Apparently they make 31.5 Billion $$ from tobacco tax, so where's that going to come from if all us fools stop smoking ??? dazren
I always said I dont care if people catch fire let alone smoke. what used to get me mad was the cost of the bloody things, and it was mostly tax. SWMBO gave up smoking and 12 months to the day after giving up she was told she had emphazema??? We acknowledge peoples right to smoke and do our best to keep away. However. i must say got a bit upset in Tamworth when a Van parked almost on top of us and the people in the van would not smoke inside their van, instead sat outside under our window and smoked. When we told them of the situation the response was close your window then. What can a person do? my response was do what you like I will do what I like, I like bush ballads, After a day of very loud Slim Dusty songs they moved. once upon a time i would probably wanted to fight the bloke but age makes you wake up to yourself.
Mongrel things those smokes and I agree, people should keep away from other caravans while killing themselves. My wife lost her life to those mongrel things, it was way too late after she gave them up. I have never and never will smoke. I actually try to avoid being near other's smoke whenever possible, sometimes though it is unavoidable. I say all this without offence to those of you who choose to smoke, your choice and free to do so. Well, maybe not free, they are pretty costly white sticks these days I hear.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
My husband died of lung cancer. Yes he was a smoker. However, it wasn't the smokes, it was asbestos. My mother has lung cancer, once again a smoker, but got it 10 years after she had given up. Lung cancer as a result of a spreading mellonoma.
Yes, sadly giving them up doesn't seem to save many people. The damage has been done and can't be undone. But it seems the earlier one gives them up, the better chance they have.
Well there appears to be a fair bit of anti social behavior going on here at the moment and it doesn't appear to be coming from the people who smoke........though it is good to see there are SOME people on this forum who are a little more tolerant of people's perceived bad habits then others, and, it must be good to feel as though everyone other then smokers have NO habits that will annoy me but I doubt it.
-- Edited by Webmaster on Wednesday 1st of February 2012 05:29:33 AM
Very annoying, smokers inhale their tobacco and exhale the results all over us.
Now, if I have a drink or two, do I go and urinate over the smokers or anyone else for that matter?
I hope not, but that is the result of my drinking, apart from the fact that I fall asleep very quickly.
It is the right of people to choose to smoke and accept the consequences, but not to force it onto others.
For my money, smokers should have to pay their own memdical expenses if it's smoking related.
Same for alcoholics and druggies.
Im a non smoker by choice. But smokers pay for ther own health problems??? Why when they have contributed so much money in taxes on cigarettes, probably more than paid forit. Govt bit like Insurance companys, solong as the income is a lot more than the out going they dont realy care.