My partnet and I have set the retirement date and keen to strat enjoying this time of our life. Love the site and have learnt so much, as very new to caravanning.
I am thinking about buying a Royal Flair Van Royce ( 21') and we were wondering if there was anyong on the forum, that could add comment to our potential investment.
My partnet and I have set the retirement date and keen to strat enjoying this time of our life. Love the site and have learnt so much, as very new to caravanning.
I am thinking about buying a Royal Flair Van Royce ( 21') and we were wondering if there was anyong on the forum, that could add comment to our potential investment.
Thanks guys
Bone N Wendy
Can't help with the van but welcome to the forum, I am sure you will have a great time here, just beware of that Wombat character.
If I don't get there today, I'll get there tomorrow or the day after.
John & Irona..........Rockingham Western Australia
Welcome to the Grey Nomads Forum. The only experience I've had with that brand of van is my impression at caravan shows. They seem to be a very professionally finished van. Choose the van, the layout, the style and size which suits your needs. Don't let a salesman tell you useless information. It's your van, you space and your money. Check out all the vans you can see within your region so you have something to compare. There are many layouts, various quality finishes, and of course, various prices. All the best.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Hi Bone and welcome to this forum, you'll enjoy it and the caravanning/RV life! Cruising Granny is right with her advice and all I can add is that you should try and make sure that everything is fixed on your van (if second hand) and the warranty is worth the paper it's written on (if new). Heard too many stories about the lack of quality control on any van, no matter what brand or make. Good luck and happy caravanning!
Retirement is a great lifestyle and in particular the caravanning lifestyle. 'Going Gone ' above is pretty right on the money
I am not sure how knowledgeable you are about caravanning in general or about the ins and outs of planning to purchase one that will ideally suit your style of travel. We have met so many people on the road saying "Oh, I wish we had got an XYZ brand or the ABC model" To that end Jean and I have recently completed a CD "Planning your first caravan purchase" 33,500 words and heaps of images. Should you be interested feel free to email me at....