I was given a big solar panel from a house, it will fit on the rear roof of the bus easy, dont know anything about how much power it will make any ideas if it will be any good
Why travel overseas when your own country has so much to offer?
Get te panel cecked to make sure it works before going too far. It wont matter on the voltage as long as its above about 14 volts as it can be converted back to the correct voltage and regulated just before you ook it to the battery. Also make sure it will take the rigors of travel, some dont seems as well framed up as others. cheers blaze
There will most likely be an info plate on the panel. Can you please supply all the details on it. The more info you can give us the more we can assist you.
PeterD Nissan Navara D23 diesel auto, Spaceland pop-top Retired radio and electronics technician. NSW Central Coast.