Don't get too excited. The money is usually basic casual rates. Not an instant fortune but it will top up the fuel funds. There are agencies which employ for isolated locations such as roadhouses outback, cattle and sheep stations. Some have station stay and you work for keep and tucker. No money changes hands, but they may allow you to fill your fuel tanks on the way out over the grid. You'll do basic gardening, light maintenance or some cooking, even feeding the chooks. One of those sites, and some employment agencies deal with harvest jobs, but many of them such as picking tomatoes, strawberries etc are taken by overseas backpackers. Good luck.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
We are working our way around, jobs in the west ave been easy to come by so far. My advice is to put together your resume and put it out there when you want work. We are currently both working ful time but in june we will go back on the road again checking for te next place tat takes our fancy. We will more than likely spend about 50% working and te rest doing as we like. Loving the lifestyle ceers blaze
I met a lady last week who is traveling solo around australia she is hairdresser had a sticker on back of her Hiace .. I asked her how she went and and she said suprise that some time she had to turn people away ....she said all her business come from free camp and caravan park where she stays but said it keep her in fuel to travel ...suprising what trades we can use on the road ....
The clearest path in life is always the one behind you....
I picked up a book from an Information Centre - National Harvest Labour Information Service, Harvest Guide, work your way around Australia. It's quite good shows all the areas, seasons, as well as tourist info on that area
Hi Nomad-10, I have been working while I travel for the last 18mths. Have found heaps of work everywhere. Think the key is to be flexible. I have printed up heaps of cv's and where ever I stop I hand them out, shop work, reception, my fav at moment is housekeeping at motels or resorts. Pay is good and can often work in aircon rooms in summer. Also its a payed gym workout. Fitness level has increased. Not to forget having fun as I go......
Life is not the breath u take, but the moments that take ur breath away....
I used to do the pub cleaning circuit, but my bones are too old now. We do have to take our physical condition and health into account when we do this. Hence my return to work as a driver or a writer because I can't do physical stuff anymore. Gardening remains a hobby, but I couldn't do it for a living anymore. I guess I could be a Landscape planner "consultant", and let someone else do the work. Consultants seem to be the ones who earn the big bucks.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Thank you, Thank you, one and all for the wealth of info, I will get the Harvest book, and will be very flexible at what I put my hand to. I just need enough money for fuel, Food, insurance and rego etc, I'm not at retiring age yet. I will be renting my house out which will hopefully cover what mortgage is left and all other costs. All that is keeping me now it to sell my business then I'm Off.. Hope to see you all out there very soon.
Thank you, Thank you, one and all for the wealth of info, I will get the Harvest book, and will be very flexible at what I put my hand to. I just need enough money for fuel, Food, insurance and rego etc, I'm not at retiring age yet. I will be renting my house out which will hopefully cover what mortgage is left and all other costs. All that is keeping me now it to sell my business then I'm Off.. Hope to see you all out there very soon.
Good on you Nomad -10 i have financial commitment which end in few months and a health matter that i have to sort out then i out of here two ..i cant wait to go i will hav to work to along the way so any information on waorking on the raod will be great .....
The clearest path in life is always the one behind you....
We are currently caretaking a 26,000 acre sheep and cattle property for owners whose home property is some 120kms away. There is a fully furnished cottage with aircon, satellite TV and internet, and we are paid a most rate of $450 a week plus meat. We look after the watering, keep the basic gardens green and keep an eye on the stock. The owners do all the heavy work including stock work. The role inclused a 4WD and a new quad bike. I also do odd jobs, fix the odd damaged fence do a bit of slashing or spraying but this is more off my own bat that called for in the job.
There is a demand for people to look after country properties - conditions and pay varies it is up to you to sort out the good from the bad. Anyone can do it given a degree of common sense - there is no rocket science required. Check the rural papers like Queensland country Life, The land and in WA the Countryman. Suggest a trial period so you can opt out if it is not working out.
I loved the station life, but I don't know if I'd be any good to do the work these days. I could do the bore run and refuel the pumps. I'm an expert gate opener. I was Anna Plain's OGO - Official Gate Opener. Then I was promoted to OFGO - Official F...n Gate Opener.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
We are currently caretaking a 26,000 acre sheep and cattle property for owners whose home property is some 120kms away. There is a fully furnished cottage with aircon, satellite TV and internet, and we are paid a most rate of $450 a week plus meat. We look after the watering, keep the basic gardens green and keep an eye on the stock. The owners do all the heavy work including stock work. The role inclused a 4WD and a new quad bike. I also do odd jobs, fix the odd damaged fence do a bit of slashing or spraying but this is more off my own bat that called for in the job.
There is a demand for people to look after country properties - conditions and pay varies it is up to you to sort out the good from the bad. Anyone can do it given a degree of common sense - there is no rocket science required. Check the rural papers like Queensland country Life, The land and in WA the Countryman. Suggest a trial period so you can opt out if it is not working out.
Sound great john .. Do you know if there is any solo caretaker jobs out there most add i see are for couples .....
The clearest path in life is always the one behind you....
RMS is the software package a lot of CPs use for recording client info and booking you in etc when you arrive Granny. Reservation and Management System
It is something I have been interested in for some time but did not know there was a course available. Really keen to find out the details if at all possible.
-- Edited by Boroma577 on Saturday 25th of February 2012 09:43:38 PM
Hi everyone - well there is a light at the end of the tunnel and it isn't a train!
We are planning to start our Big Lap" in January 2013. My Husband will be on the age pension but I will have to work as I'm too young - I love saying that!!!. I am going to do a RMS course - what else do I need to gain skills for, to work in a caravan park office. I have been a receptionist and I am fairly computer literate. What else can I do to prepare for work when we travel?
Caravan parks seem to use a program specifically designed for this purpose making it easy to just follow the instructions. You'll need a current resume', and although a Police Clearance will be handy, most employers will acquire their own, especially if you go through the public service. They use the Federal Police. What's an "RMS" course? I have the white card which is the same as the old Green Card - Workplace safety for construction and other work site. Training places run this course regularly. I did mine in Cairns.
Lily, I don't know if they'd employ a single to caretake a station or farm as it's quite an involved job, especially if it's off season when there's few or no other staff around. You could get cooking or housekeeping, gardening or odd jobs around the place for a few weeks for keep and a tank of fuel on your way out. It's a good experience, cheap living, and a great lifestyle.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Thanks for that. It shouldn't be too hard to figure out. Each business would have their own operation practices using that system, so it would be a matter of taking time until you get it. I think it's called fudging it and flying by the seat of your pants until you're confident you are competent. So if you moved on to another park you'd still have to figure out how they used that RMS anyway. There are lots of opp's out there if we want to look and ask. Just stick your head in the door and ask. Works for me.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
I'm going to do it online - there's nothing up here. Apparently there are other systems - Phoenix and Fiesta, but I asked a friend who runs a motel and uses RMS and she says once you use one they are all similar. Thanks for your replies, folks - I can't wait - we have friends who left last December and I keep getting texts and pics from where they are trying to make me jealou - its succeeding!!!.
I would think computer literacy would be more beneficial in the big picture. RMS is just one aspect of computer skills. I've learned that typing is no longer essential, but computer is. I've decided to pursue some opportunities in the freelance journo game to try to earn some petty cash. Usually very petty, but every little bit helps. While I'm parked up I'm not spending very much, but once I get on the road I just put cash into the fuel tank. That's life.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.