Lately I have been trying mouthwash put into a spray bottle and spraying the area I am in. No need to use heaps. Can spray it on your body but I generally spray a bit on the table if I am reading outside, or around the garden if I'm up there. Seems to work on mozzies and surprise surprise, keeps the wasps away too. Not sure if it works on Midges tho. I buy the cheap stuff at Crazy Prices.
Good luck
-- Edited by valnrob on Friday 9th of March 2012 02:31:08 PM
can any one tell me the best repelant to use on ones skin to stop the midges biteing me as up at rainbow beach here are here i have used areogaurd but they say to use somthing with more deet in it i was hoping for somthing moe natural
The odorless Aeroguard works for us, it has a different chemical in it, no DEET. In areas where there are midgies I've learned to put it on before going outside, and at least every 4 hours.
Wish you luck, those little blighters can ruin a trip!
I was attacked by the little buggers about 5 years ago and made a right mess of my legs. Their "Poison"? got into my system and caused a few problems and took 4 years to clear out. I use Rid and that seems to work down in Vic anyway.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
In the army , many years ago, we used a concoction called deet or bug juice by the yanks.It was 98% deet. It was guarenteed to repel any known insect , and was great if you wanted a new watch as it would eat the face off the plastic"Mickey mouse " watches they gave us.God knows what it did to us, but I must say, it worked.Bill
My daughter in Alice Springs gave us Nature's Botanical. Rosemary and Cedarwood Oils in a Natural creme. She purchased it from Desert Dwellers. Smells a bit like Vicks. Only need to put a few dabs on here and there. Not sure where else you can buy it but it is great stuff
I have heard of it before Kaid, I think on here. There is a rather long thread here somewhere on Mossie treatments.
I have a bottle of body lotion from Rivers which is Mandarin, Rosemary and Cedar. Wonder if that would work just as well. Must take it with me next time.
You never know it just might work happywanderer. Midgies have been really bad up here since we had all the rain. Just waiting for the ground to dry out before we can mow. I know that this will stir those little critters up again
I have 2 scars on each leg as a result from Midgie bites. One from 2004 in Derby and the other from Kurumba in 2009. I had numerous bites on both occasions but these 2 would no heal hence have developed into scar tissue.
A lady on our travels gave me a recipe for midge repellent that was so good. Hubbie does not like it as it smells like a hospital!
Equal parts of detol, baby oil, metholated spirits and a few drops of citronella oil (from a chemist or outet that sells essential oils). Mix together and place into spray bottles. Use as needed.