Good luck Graeme and Della. I hope you let the Yard owner know that his conduct is now known Australia wide, and Overseas as well, as we have Forumites from the States and Britian too.
-- Edited by Sheba on Wednesday 14th of March 2012 08:32:12 AM
wile della was in the hospital today i wrote the letter im sending to the owner of the place we bought our van from and also the electricity safety council is coming tomorrow dont worry girls and boys della did a spell check and dotted all the i and xd all the ts lol . its 10 days tomorrow so here goes nothing.
wile della was in the hospital today i wrote the letter im sending to the owner of the place we bought our van from and also the electricity safety council is coming tomorrow dont worry girls and boys della did a spell check and dotted all the i and xd all the ts lol . its 10 days tomorrow so here goes nothing.
Good luck Graeme & the little lady as well.
Be your self; there's no body better qualified ! "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"
if you have not sent a copy to the manufacturer cc the one and make sure you put cc on the original so that the sellar knows you have been in contact with the manufacturer.
How is Della going with the treatment? hope she is managing ok.
Congratulations for taking action and writing I totally agree a copy to the manufacturer is likely to give better results than the turkey who sold it to you, we all need to be more active when things are not done properly and then the bar will be raised especially if they know you are using forums like this to spread the message. We also need to send complimentary notes to people in business and advise on forums when its done right or somebody goes the extra mile for us.
We both wish Della a quick recovery
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
well it worked we got a call from the owner he knew nothing of what was going on . its been picked up and all will be sorted for us to use legally and safely . we feal a lot more at ease with the problem now and will be able to catch up on much needed sleep thanks all for your support