Happy Birthday Milo Another pisces!!! have a great day My birthday was on the 15th and my wife bought me a sewing machine??????? Hope you had more luck Peter
thanks every one for your wishes, im actually an aries , all good, not sure what im doing tonite, dads away, might see if there's a good movie on at the movies..
My nice ex husbands 60th birthday is today too! Our kids have organised a big party for him on Saturday night.
You're actually on the cusp of Pisces and Aries, which means you could swing either way. Pisceans generally look at the world through rose coloured glasses, and are kind hearted and loving, and Arians are rather self absorbed, romantic, but quick to anger.
thanks every one once again, just got myself "the New Ipad" so learning how to drive it, I have a couple days away next week to canberra to see Joe Satriani so should be good!!
Hi Milo, trust you have a great day as you celebrate that special day that comes but once a year. The trouble with that statement is that they seem to come around faster and faster as time moves on. Have a good one
You only live once, but if you live it right, once is enough !!!!!!