R&R, if you have the space go for the 9.3. That's what I would do. You can never have enough clearance. As a driver of larger vehicles I find people that work clearance sizes out NEVER allow enough. If you have enough space when finished, you can always plant some more trees or shrubs.
Keep in mind you might be entering and exiting in the dark as well.
Live Life On Your Terms
DOUGChief One Feather (Losing feathers with age)
TUG.......2014 Holden LT Colorado Twin Cab Ute with Canopy
DEN....... 2014 "Chief" Arrow CV (with some changes)
Go to a local parking area or flat paddock on a quiet day with the van attached and a few markers like witches hats or ice cream containers.
Mark out an entrance with two markers & enter it with the van in a straight line if that's how you will approach the turning area at home.
Try out going past it a bit, maybe at least until the van rear end is level with the entrance markers, and then do a U turn back thru the entrance.
After a few tries you will work out the distance that you need go past the entrance & the smallest radius in which you can comfortably do the turn. If you are going to do a clockwise turn to the right on the final round about then maybe you will want to do a slight turn to the left before launching into your full lock clockwise turn.
Have an assistant mark out the path & take your measurements.
Could even have the assistant walk beside the van wheels with a can of talcum powder & mark out the path of the van or mark it from time to time with your witches hats or ice cream containers.
On the other hand, after a few goes on soft grass you will soon have wheel tracks marking out your turning circle.
You might need to make the final design large enough to accomodate any future maybe larger van.
Compare your result with what 'the experts' suggest.
Once the driveway is marked out prior to sealing, be sure to try it out with your tug & van.
I reckon that the final driveway should be at least as wide as a single lane at a round about and of that sort of diameter. Find a quiet one & try it out ... modify its dimensions to suit your yard layout & favourite trees that you want to save.
Of course you could approach the task from the other end & map out the prefered path thru your garden.
Replicate this with your markers in the test area & see if it works. MOdify as necessary.
It depends on the turning circle of the tug. The van follows with a slightly tighter circle. Some tugs need a lot bigger circle than others. Check your car manual or on the net.