I have a vynl canopy on the back of the ute. The front and back perspex windows have become pretty grubby. I washed them with soap and water but this really didn't do a lot of good. Any ideas what will bring them up pristine again? I seem to remember that metho melts perspex....
If there is such a thing as a tourist season.... why cant we shoot them?
I was going to suggest Mr Sheen but wasn't too sure. A fellow grey nomad who uses the purple spray bottled Mr Sheen, tried some on Myrtle. (He was using it on his own van) She came up very shiny. He also advised to use it on the windows which I have with good results. I now use it all over Myrtle, cleans and shines at the same time. (except the front window, wasn't sure how it would go there)
The Mr Sheen we used back then was the original Pressure-Pak stuff, different to the one that Marj mentions, (which however may be just as effective). The pressure-pak one leaves a bit of a smear when used on glass but is fine on perspex.
There is a product you can buy from BCF called 'Vuplex' It is in a dark blue pressure pack can. It was originally developed for the Aircraft industry. I have been using it for a few years and it works great on van Van windows, any plastics or Polycarbonite like headlights, tail light covers etc.
MY14 Jeep Grand Cherokee Limited - Jurgens Lunagazer
If the vinyl has oxydised and gone murky, not just stained, you can used gumption. Apply in a thick paste, allow to dry, then buff off. The other option which works on perspex is cut and polish. Once again apply with elbow grease, and buff with clean, dry cloth. It will be a long time before they go murky again.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.