Even with the plethora of threads on forums about weights etc there still appears to be widespread confusion amongst vanners as to correct weights and weight terminology. So I thought I'd run a short Poll to see how far the forum has come in educating the members.
Please just answer the questions True or False. DO NOT add additional posts or information as it may influence the answers of other Poll participants. The correct answers will be posted in a week, after which you will be invited to add your comments.
1. The ATM is loaded weight of the van True or False.
2. The GTM is the weight on the van wheels True or False.
3. Ball weight is the ATM less the GTM True or False.
4. TARE MASS is the weight of the van when handed over to the purchaser by the dealer - True or False.
5. Rear Over Hang includes all items added to the rear bumper bar - True or False.
6. Cold Tyre pressure shown on the vans Tyre Placard is the correct tyre pressure for towing an empty van, not a loaded one True or False
Just enter the number (1 or 2 etc) and then True or False after the number.
Thanks OJ
Retired Engineer, Ex Park Owner & Caravan Consultant. Holden 2.8 Colorado - Roma Elegance 17'6" Pop Top. Location: Mornington Peninsula Vic.