there are a few different areas that campers can be .. on your arrival (or phone earlier) to make inquiries .. There is an area that gets cleared for the side-shows etc, but I don't think you'd be placed in any location that would need to be relocated .. Wherever you may be placed, as with any Public activities like this, you need to remember to leave your personal and property secure ..
Friends of mine, Bill and Betty have a large bus and he used to work around the grounds picking up rubbish and cleaning loos. You may meet them. They drive a Subaru Forrester station wagon. Say hi if you do.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
.. Nu one .. Shady&Me .. Gunnago .. RowdyRabbit .. & myself all here .. and at least (2) more on their way ..
.. and a power blackout this morning for about 3 hrs .. Hot air balloon didn't make it past the power lies out the front .. but nobody hurt fortunately.
.. and yesterday, another balloon had problems navigating through some tall timber .. the sound of breaking trees had folks outa their beds about 7.15 ..
I thought the Hindenburg had already set a precedence .. hah !
I saw on TV about an hour ago the Famous Wheelbarrow race out of Mareeba. It goes to two different towns raising money for charities. They didn't say when it was on though. Did you guys up there see it at all. It may have happened some time back and only just made it to TV.
I saw on TV about an hour ago the Famous Wheelbarrow race out of Mareeba. It goes to two different towns raising money for charities. They didn't say when it was on though. Did you guys up there see it at all. It may have happened some time back and only just made it to TV.
I seem to remember something along those lines when I was up there last year Marj.