I have been lucky enough to travel around this country of ours at least 25 times, starting in 1960 Many years as a truckie, then 22 years as a professional tour driver, and when that was finished I went "On the Wallaby". Lobbed in what I consider the lovliest part of Oz 2 years ago, (Albany) and then got back into motorcycling again. Getting to the point, and I am going to fire up my little motorhome, and do another trip across the island, but I do it, depending on the weather, in the "off tourist season". There's no way in the world that I would travel north this time of the year. Literally, been there and done that!! The trip east can be cold, but I find it is worth it, as there aren't a lot of people around. I am in Albany, and won't be leaving until September. If you are interested, and have your own motorhome (?) contact me.
If you're heading to Adelaide and environs you are hereby cordially invited to call in and join me for a cuppa of something. Contact by PM closer to the time and I'll give you the instructions. Safe and happy travels wherever you go. I have close friends in Albany. Met in Broome, still in contact by Facebook. Between travel and the internet I'm always in touch with the people who count in my life.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.