Excuse my ignorance here but if I post something and then recognise that for some reason the post was wrong (beyond a simple edit) - I don't see how to delete it. I do see other options like EDIT but no DELETE?
Being the curious type, are you able to say why this is the case? Is it just policy of the forum or is it a limitation of the software used? If it's policy I'd be interested to know why the limit is imposed.
Have no idea Xennon but it seems to work ok this way. Maybe to stop people deleting their own posts after someone has replied causing a very confusing thread.
Scary - so if make a total #ick of myself by posting something in the wrong place or worse (and more likely) say something really dumb - I am forced to have such a post out there for all to see? ... not good. I 'spose I could edit it and delete all the text but that would probably be even more confusing.
We all make complete #icks of ourselves at times, don't worry about it. I have noticed others who have wanted to delete, go in to edit, remove all the written word and write something along the lines of I have deleted this post as I have made a #ick of myself. Or something more appropriate. If you have put it in the wrong section you can PM Cindy and ask if she wouldn't mind moving it to the right one.
That'll work. My next question is .. where's the UNSUBSCRIBE button? I'f i'm looking at a thread I had subscribed to and no longer wish to be subscribed, I need to go into my settings area to find the thread and choose to unsubscribe from there - a button would solve that.
I know i'm starting to sound like i'm complaining but I'm not, I'm just trying to come to terms with the mechanics of how the site/forum works from a usability pov.
That'll work. My next question is .. where's the UNSUBSCRIBE button? I'f i'm looking at a thread I had subscribed to and no longer wish to be subscribed, I need to go into my settings area to find the thread and choose to unsubscribe from there - a button would solve that.
I know i'm starting to sound like i'm complaining but I'm not, I'm just trying to come to terms with the mechanics of how the site/forum works from a usability pov.
The only way to learn is to ask. Welcome by the way.
I know with phpbb3 forums you cannot delete your own post once someone else has posted in that thread, but a moderator or admin can. You can edit posts or empty most of what you've posted.
Not sure is this forum is based on phpbb software though.
-- Edited by jetj on Wednesday 30th of May 2012 01:33:32 PM