Dummy is placed firmly back where it belongs, thanks guys for all your comments and it is great to see we can air a beef without it resorting to nasty comments........should have probably posted in I Digress
Sometimes I find myself with heaps to read on the forum and little time to respond. I have often wished the forum had a LIKE button similiar to what you find on facebook. It would have been very time consuming replying to all the recent photos in the competition I liked, but a LIKE button would have been fantastic.
Not sure if this is something that could be easily incorporated into posts. Perhaps Cindy woud know.
Glenda that idea was also suggested by dazren on the first page and I thought it was a great idea, so great minds think alike........also must include Beth in that as she has developed her own system.
Glenda that idea was also suggested by dazren on the first page and I thought it was a great idea, so great minds think alike........also must include Beth in that as she has developed her own system.
I agree - a "Like" button would be very useful. I often wish I could just 'like' something but don't have anything of any value to say, so therefore I don't comment.
Hi Pauline I post not expecting a reply - and often expecting the thread to get way off track from the original post. I think that's just the joy of this great forum - just takes a little while to get used to it. See what great posts you got just from making your comment in the first place? And as brickies says, this forum is working really well. Hope you enjoy your day.
I think if any one has any suggestion on how this forum could be improved PM Cindy she wont bite , But remember the software may not be able to handle our suggestion
Glenda that idea was also suggested by dazren on the first page and I thought it was a great idea, so great minds think alike........also must include Beth in that as she has developed her own system.
I've occasionally gone to some time to put together a response on the Techies forum only to have the OP not come back but mostly I get a positive and encouraging response that more than offsets these occasions. I've picked up a lot of information from other's posts even when I may not have participated in a particular thread.
I think a like button or emoticon on the side would be great too.
Also, we are not teenagers - can we write in full?? I am lot when it comes to today's abbreviations - my granddaughter explained ROTFL - really do we roll on the floor - I am sure many of us would have trouble getting down on the floor and then up again, just for the fun of it. Once upon a time definitely but these days ............. come on!!
It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!
Maybe we all should put LIKE down the bottom in our settings where we put our little sayings, then we will cover all posts. lol. rotfl. and anything else those ditzy teenagers know that we don't.
as I am not on facebook Marj I didn't know about the "like" button but do think it is a great idea.............terrible to think they know more then us, (technology wise) .
I don't always have Internet reception becos I like to camp in the scrub away from the people. Sometimes I post then others I either can't or forget to.
I like to communicate with the other geezers here from time to time
Regards ole jb