Thought I'd say hi to ya all while we're on the net... we're having a great ole time out in the bush!! woohoooo! I think I can get real used to this wandering around the country business.. altho our shower played up this morning and I was pretty sure my other half was about to throw it.. when it decided to work LOLOLOL We stayed in Greenbushes with our friends for just over 5 weeks, she needed help around the house but hubby kinda drilled a hole in his hand and that was a hospital trip!!! It's fine now but it was sure sore for awhile... now we're heading towards Esperance then off to the gold frields in search of another friend who is gold prospecting there... I hope we can find him, he did give us a mud map... There are a few alterations we want to make in the bus before we trip over east so we've decided to go home after our visit to do just that and I've ordered yet another solar panel for the roof... as it is is works great but I love the rain so another panel will do us fantastically if we are in cloudy weather for a week or so :) I best go and let my kids know where we are.. I've been getting lots of messages asking when we're coming back home... oh dear... I think they miss us!!!!
I admit I don't know a lot about solar AJ, how many batteries do you have, apparently that is important as it doesn't matter how many solar panels you have if you don't have the battery to store it or something like that.......just a thought but other people would have more experience than me regarding this. Anyway enjoy what you are doing and don't linger too long at home.
oh we have the battries too go with it.. have 4 deep cycle ones on now with a spare and then there is the one for the bus but thats a given... also have a kickass inverter, well two actually, one for the heavy duty uses, one for the everyday stuff and a spare or two... hubby is into all that stuff. We had a week of real cloudy weather when we were in Greenbushes, the bus did well with power but only just and hubby wants to make sure we can do it with ease.... I don't mind him doing this as he enjoys it so much :) We plan on doing alot of free camping if we can, I know we can do it with the basics but I think hubby wants to have as much comfort as possible seeing as we'll be gone for so long.... besides it was the agreement for us to do this trip in the first place hehehehehe.. had to get him out here!!!! and I think he's really enjoying himself!!! :)
Yup I agree with ya briggspc, we have 3 panels on there at the moment and one folding inside the bus but we're finding that we have to move that one out the way all the time so hubby has decided to get another to pop on top.. the folding one can stay at home with the kids he might even fix it up to run all the lights out under the patio for them :) Oh we're in the middle of ummmmmm... lets see somewhere between pink gums and Kalgoorlie setting up for the night at a rest stop.. it's a 24 hour stop for rigs and travelers so we've parked right out of the way....