I was wondering about getting some work about the place Tractor driving or similar a job i have done since i was 16 , today i got told i was to old to drive by an employment out fit in VIC , but it was ok if i could go and do heavy work that thy cant get young ones to handle,GOD HELP US
And Julia wants us to work till we are 65 ,then onto 70
just asking about work in general if and when we get to move for a while,
he told me there was work about but was heavy work,if i was interested he would send some info down , was then i told him i would not mind driving tractors for a few months, iam now told ,to old for that lol
I think what you have encountered is an isolated instance.
I am 65 and before retiring three yeares ago, was an office worker. Now I do a fair bit of "farm work" - harvesting and other labouring work. I have never been told I am too old for driving/operating the tractor.
In fact, at the places I worked last year there were travelling nomads who drove tractors on the farm - hauling fruit etc. Never a problem
I was working last Feb/Mar/Apr up on the Murray near Swan Hill - I was driving the tractor and the "main dude" on the tractor for the harvest season was a 68 year old traveller. The permanent 'farm hand' turned 70 while we were there, and he does 95% of the tractor work.
Don't give up - look for a more sensible (enlightened) farmer.
cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
Cowboy, If it makes you feel any better we have an 86year old that comes in and drives a tractor for us 5 days a week for from 7am to 12. He does a better job than any of the "Young Workers" we have. He's been a pineapple farmer all his life.
Good grief! Who the heck decided that! Oh, sorry, welcome to the forum Cowboy and Graygun. What the hell is going on out there? You decide you want to work. You decide what you want to do? You get out there and seek work. Now some boffin has TOLD you you're too old. A simple case of discrimination. Go get 'em fella! That employment outfit needs to be reported to whoever funds them. eg JobSearch. Most agencies are funded. I sent a query to them when I decided to return to the work force to find out what I was entitled to in the way of assistance. They appointed an agency to deal with me, firstly in Cairns, and then in Salisbury, SA. Firstly I had to educate them about what an oversize pilot does. No, not a fat flyer. Or an escort pilot. No, not flying hookers to mining camps. The agency then applies for funding to cover the cost of dealing with the client and to provide some assistance for fitting out with equipment and working clothes. etc. Maybe try the farmer's door. It will depend on where you are and what part of the season you're in where you are. Harvest time, ploughingworking up time, seeding, haymaking, spraying.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Welcome to a great forum nobody is ever too old if they are fit ,crazy to say that some older People are healthier than our younger ones, pineapple farming hey are you on the sunny coast .?
I have done my service to the country by paying taxes and now prefer to give my time and efforts where I enjoy the company.
I spend time volunteering at Blazeaid and at the Maldon railway group (Victorian Goldfield Railways) and at other areas where it suits me.
I exchange work (they call it that not me) and I get returns like the ability to stop in places others can't, free use of house boat, exchange work on my vehicle, nice red at night and a happy time during the day. What ever suits me. I will work all day if I am enjoying what I am doing and I don't feel I am being taken but if I get bad fibes I am out of there quick smart.
Regards Brian
11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again