Hello everyone. Please help. We are planning to leave Perth for NSW in August this year but was told yesterday that it would be way too cold. We anticipate coming home before Christmas. We are raw at this and not gone longer than 6 days in our van.
I live in Inverell NSW which is northern west NSW and today it was in the minus! Holy batcave it is cold today and I had to be at the doctor at 8am that's not right I tell you lol. But in all honesty I love the cold more than I love the hot weather, because for me it is easier to warm up but harder to cool down, hence that is the main reason we left the Gold Coast to live here so we could get some cold weather. My hot water bottle is my bestie in the cold weather without a doubt. It really depends on if you like the cold or not so it comes down to personal preference Michelle
-- Edited by BohemianGypsy on Wednesday 20th of June 2012 10:37:33 AM
If you need to get home fast you can get to sydney in six days if your not in a hurry just take your time and pace your self August is the last month of winter and if you leave at the end it should be warming up
One of the experiences you will have when you travel is the differences in our country. Weather is just one of them.
Many travel to see the snow and THAT is cold but if you carry warm clothes and be sensible you will enjoy whatever you get. The rain is hard to take but that;s everywhere at the moment.
The different seasons and therefore temperatures of different areas defines their flora and fauna along with other things LOL.
Some like the hot and some like the cold and some don't care as long as they are on the road.
It is similar to the debate on whether you stay on the coast or go inland, whether to go through the middle or up north and bush or 4x4 or 2 wheel drive etc etc.
We are all different and if you don't try then you don't know. Just depends whether you are happy with your lot or do you want to try.
Regards Brian
11 Mtr house Boat based at Mannum hoping to travel up the Murray as far as I can get then drift back again
We drove accross the Nullarbor from WA early September, it was quite warm, and the whales at the Head of bight were still there then, but have to avoid the highlands in NSW until November! (or maybe January, unless you have a heater? Your return to WA in Dec will be pretty warm.
-- Edited by Gerty Dancer on Wednesday 20th of June 2012 03:09:12 PM
Way too cold in NSW in August. I came through there in 2009 in August and froze. Unfortunately it looks like I will be driving back down to Vic in August this year for some family functions. I will be packing all my winter woolies and going through fast. The ice will drip off your nose.
Thanks everyone. I never knew how hard this decision would be!. Our first thought was for late March next year when the weather may cool down a bit and be back before winter. Then we thought go in August/September and be back before the the heat. LOL
It can be cold or not too bad. The coast can be 10 degrees warmer than a few klms inland around Sydney. I like August September travelling particularly North of Sydney near the coast and with the pets.
Don't forget we also get winds in August/September. But there should always be some nice weather somewhere. This month we have found it warmer inland during the day.
I spent a week sailing the Norfolk Broads in U.K. during the coldest Spring they'ld had in ten years. On two mornings, our yacht was literally breaking thin ice on the Broads. At one stage, I felt like tying up and just lying down in some highway to get it all over with. I had a GREAT TIME. Bought some gloves, used extra clothes and used coats etc pinned to the bedclothes. One of the best holidays ever and a great dinner topic. Like most people have said here. Go when you're ready and enjoy the different seasons. Just be sensible and don't take silly risks on poor roads. For what it's worth.