Geez, I wished we'd turned left instead of right at Erldunda and headed north instead of home! The weather here (Mornington Vic) is atrocious. Roll on Summer.............on on
Geez, I wished we'd turned left instead of right at Erldunda and headed north instead of home! The weather here (Mornington Vic) is atrocious. Roll on Summer.............on on
Look at the bright side. You're getting a free car wash everyday and can take advantage of chilly nights cuddled up on the couch with a bottle of whatever you call a pleasant intoxicant. You can find out how good your tyres are in the wet and dig out all those appropriate songs like;
You Left me Standing in the Rain, (JPY) or I can't Stand the Rain, (Donna SUMMER? Gloria GAYNOR?) or Raindrops Keep Falling on my Head (BJ THOMAS & Johnny FARNHAM) LOL.
Yes, today is the shortest day of the year. That's why I'm short. Born when there's minimum day light. Keep me in the dark, feed me ...... etc etc etc. It's cold, wet and at times windy here in good old South Oz.
20ft Roma caravan - Mercedes Benz Sprinter - SA-based at the moment. Transport has no borders.
Management makes the decisions, but is not affected by the decisions it makes.
Its rather hard to deal with up here in North Queensland with daytime temp 25-26 and nights 13-15 I really dont want to go home yet lets hope the money lasts till the end of winter.
Life was meant to be enjoyed Australia was meant to be explored
Happily doing both to the Max.
Life is like a camera, focus on what's important & you will capture it every Time
Its rather hard to deal with up here in North Queensland with daytime temp 25-26 and nights 13-15 I really dont want to go home yet lets hope the money lasts till the end of winter.
Stick it on the plastic and worry about it later. It's a great Aussie tradition!
Its rather hard to deal with up here in North Queensland with daytime temp 25-26 and nights 13-15 I really dont want to go home yet lets hope the money lasts till the end of winter.
Stick it on the plastic and worry about it later. It's a great Aussie tradition!
AAHHHH; that plastic will bend a long long way before it breaks.LOL
Be your self; there's no body better qualified ! "I came into this world with nothing , I still have most of it"
The weather here in Inverell NSW is damn cold as and going to be minus 3 in the morning. . . .now who wants to get out of bed for that, not this little black duck that's for sure lol. It is raining and blowing a gale and nice weather to be in bed reading a good book. Michelle