If you are in the far north, and planning to travel down the west coast, there is a lot to see in the south west. However, the point I am making is, that many travellers get the impression that the Nullabour plain is a long and boring drive. No way. The tourist office in Norseman stock a wonderful book called, "The Nullabour Story" It is more of a history book than a tourist guide. There is so much history out there. Learn about the Eucla telegraph station. A place that, when you had a day off, you'd just love to go to the beach!!?? A walk to the southern ocean, and there's the remains of the old wharf and rail line. Find out what the staff, on both sides of the border did, when all the rabbits came from the east There is some argument re. the story of the Afgan waterhole, not far from the ORIGINAL Baladonia roadhouse. The same story is told of a waterhole at Arltunga, north east of Alice Springs. Horses were bred, for the Indian army, at a station west of Eucla.etc, etc, etc.
Howdyeeeee Nomads, and a big!!!!!Hi to Bronnieeee, and all U Dreamers out there, the Nullabour is a place, of Beauty, that old Adage, Silence is Golden, try it... the play ground is a great place to play in,,,stay excited, ..Billeeeeee