"Colls" recently posted that she had packed everything in her little camper van , and had no idea what she needed to take. Colls arrived in Albany a couple of days ago. Colls, or as I call her, "Collie May" have been good friends for some 37 years. We don't share a house. We don't share a M/home. That's why we have been good friends for 37 years !! We will be travelling over to Laidley for the cmca solos event, and as it's her first time at travelling by road, be taking our time. I have had to advise the "Tim Tam" police that Collie Mays van will have to stopped and searched at every opportunity, as she has a habit of buying and hiding them, to later be consumed at "The Witching Hour", or any other time it suits. It's a worry.