Things could be worse Jimbo... you still have your missus dont you? Mind you with no TV you mightnt have her for long! Another thing to add to the "departure checklist". Our list keeps getting a bit longer as we learn yet another lesson the hard way!
I know the feeling Jimbo .... I drove from Manangatang to Nyah earlier in the year with the Winguard still up .... thankfully I was stopped when I got to the freecamp at Nyah on the Murray by other campers BEFORE I drove under trees
And, anyway, I reckon you should blame it on Carlton - it HAS to be THEIR fault
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
You are probably not alone there Jimbo, I bet most of us have done it at one time or other, I know I have. Fortunately some kind motorist at the first set of lights we stopped at alerted me to the oversight. Also forgetting to fold the step up is another of my favourites. Fortunately I haven't taken off with the power lead still plugged in yet......give me time..... it will probably happen one day
Howdyeeeeee,,Jimbo Im not laughing......Now~~~!!!!!!!!! poor baby ,,,,noooooo tv..... Talked to a guy the other day with a Moter home ...lost two tv antennas, forgot to wind them down under a bridge,,,, any way Jimbo , stay excited, something NEW might happen today, U might pick up a f/male, Nympho hitch hiker, then U would b in a lot more strife,,hehehe.... take care,, c U out there in the play ground.........Billeeeeee
Packed up camp the other morning & was just about to head off but decided to make a travlr cup of coffee. Somehow I lost my mug of coffee between the van and my truck, so frustrated I headed off without my caffeine hit. Arrived at my next port eager to set up for a few days & upon arrival I found some nice camper my me an arrival cuppa & put it in my trvler mug & left it on the roof turret of my cruiser, tis a bit cold but tasted ok to me!
Bleedin idiot !