If you do use the credit card insurance make sure you read the fine print and understand you obligations as how much of your trip must be charged to the card as in some cases all the costs of the trip must be charged to the card and this also can be different if the claim involved injury in a car accident.
We have used credit card insurance on all our trips and last year put in a claim for $10,000 due to two short stays in emergency in Los Angeles, for my wife Sue, due to acute sciatica,we put in the claim on returning home and received payment with no hassles.
Don't ever travel without insurance as a heart attack in the states can send you broke and it might be hard to get treatment as proof of ability to pay is required, I think we don't realize how well off we are here with Medicare.
We also have free domestic travel insurance supplied by ANZ with an account, we have with them, tho this may not still be available, as it may have just been a promotion for a period of time.
-- Edited by Roving-Dutchy on Monday 6th of August 2012 08:59:56 PM
I would like to know about over 70s travel insuance,
who might be the better one to go through for the olds.
They're planning a cruise, so would be interested in personal expience
with any company that handle that age group.
Thanks in advance every one :)
G'day Lofty, you could try SCTA (Southern Cross travel assoc) and do online quote. I have pre existing conditions that they cover as part of their policy; other conditions you should disclose or ask by e mail to ensure you get the cover you require.
I have epilepsy and that is covered under preexisting conditions and there is a list that they provide online of conditions covered. I found them fairly priced and the process painless.
We're going on a cruise in October & because I've paid for it with my credit card we will be covered by travel insurance (through ANZ) I read their booklet & it seems to be ok.
We did the same with the Commonwealth Bank, it seems that a lot of the banks offer this option, I would check with the banks 1st as you may get it for free.
Be very careful about reading the fine print with all travel insurance. We were going to book a flight to Broome and someone said just take (airline) cancellation insurance. That's OK if the venue floods and a conference is cancelled but if you cancel because you've been to the Dr AFTER booking your flight and find you have cancer, the cancellation insurance doesn't cover you! My sister-in-law is a travel agent and she warned me to read this fine print - she says many get caught out by not doing so - even when making a booking eg $price is only on a certain date and a certain level of the boat not for any date or cabin etc.
-- Edited by neilnruth on Monday 6th of August 2012 08:10:13 PM
dont bother with covermore within australia ,ridiculous i took it out with them cos my daughter went to the snowy, she broke her leg, and i found out because she was in hospital under medicare ,they dont cover you in Australia because it is covered with the public system.
had i of wanted to fly her home then i would or could of pushed it but i said forget it and she stayed down the rest of the week on pain killers with the school and it all got going after she got home i got her in nambour hospital .
so realy i paid for insurance that was useless it paid none of the bill for down at the snow or for the splint i had to pay for while she was in it.
My domestic flight was cancelled due to inclement weather. Even though it was through no fault of my own, I did not get one cent of my money back because I had booked an online fare that was on special. Please always check the fine print.