I've met a lady who travels out of Qld to the south every year in the summer with a van and a dog. She tells me that often she spends weeks at a time without people getting to know her. My question to her was "do you put yourself out there?" But my question to you all is "Do You Say Hello?" The solo travellers would really appreciate being pulled in to your groups, I think.
I've met a lady who travels out of Qld to the south every year in the summer with a van and a dog. She tells me that often she spends weeks at a time without people getting to know her. My question to her was "do you put yourself out there?" But my question to you all is "Do You Say Hello?" The solo travellers would really appreciate being pulled in to your groups, I think.
I don't segregate Plodnalong. I will talk to all including those who are travelling on their own. Some of my favourite conversations have been with people who are doing it on their own. You don't need a partner to define who you are as a person and a valued member of the community whichever community you happen to be in in my opinion.
Thanks for that Michelle. I also will chat with anyone and take people as they come. My question I suppose is about the shy solos who really would like to be included........
Two shy people pass each other, if neither speak or give an acknowledgement of the other you will never no what could have been. I am a fairly reserved sort and do enjoy my own company BUT I will also speak first and say hi, it maybe just as I pass on by or I may stop and chat longer. Be bold but not a nuisance, most are friendly. cheers blaze
I'll talk to most people in free site's I get travel info from them and I give them travel info and even have happy hour with them all great fun, the only ones I will not talk to are Dougwe and dazren
Thanks for that Michelle. I also will chat with anyone and take people as they come. My question I suppose is about the shy solos who really would like to be included........
I have a knack for drawing people out of their shell Plodnalong. They wouldn't be shy for long hehehehe
I'll talk to most people in free site's I get travel info from them and I give them travel info and even have happy hour with them all great fun, the only ones I will not talk to are Dougwe and dazren
Womby you would have to if you came for a meal at my campfire because I would have invited you all. . . .remember?? You did ask for an invite so therefore you would have to join in the convo I'm just sayin' lol
I talk to nearly everyone when I walk through a campground - free or paid park - some talk back, some don't want to know you - have met some great people along the way by just saying "g;day".
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
I say hello to everyone when passing in my walks. I have found some couples sit with their back to the walking area, which means to me Do No Disturb. But other than that the majority are really friendly and willing to stop for a chat.
We always say Hi too. A conversation may start - it may not. Depends how the other person wants it to go because I'm always happy to have a chat if they are - and as for my hubby, I usually have to send out a search party for him!
I know it may be hard to believe, but I'm a little shy/nervous at first. I usually smile and say Hi, just to let them know I'm not unfriendly. More often than not, I tend to let others start the conversation.
Nevertheless, once you get me talking I loosen up.
We always say Hi too. A conversation may start - it may not. Depends how the other person wants it to go because I'm always happy to have a chat if they are - and as for my hubby, I usually have to send out a search party for him!
I know it may be hard to believe, but I'm a little shy/nervous at first. I usually smile and say Hi, just to let them know I'm not unfriendly. More often than not, I tend to let others start the conversation.
Nevertheless, once you get me talking I loosen up.
Me too Beth. Its easy talking on here. People probably think I am a real talkative nomad. But in person I really don't have a lot to say. The shynesss takes over. Perhaps writing on a forum compensates for my lack of confidence.
I know it may be hard to believe, but I'm a little shy/nervous at first. I usually smile and say Hi, just to let them know I'm not unfriendly. More often than not, I tend to let others start the conversation.
Nevertheless, once you get me talking I loosen up.
Me too Beth. Its easy talking on here. People probably think I am a real talkative nomad. But in person I really don't have a lot to say. The shynesss takes over. Perhaps writing on a forum compensates for my lack of confidence.
I think you're right there Marj. I'm always able to write better than talk. If it's a person I 'click' with, I'm fine once I get over that initial nervousness.
I always say Hi to whoever's around. Like Happywanderer though if a couple is sitting with their backs to the walkway I take it as a 'Do Not Disturb'. I've met some amazing people this way - some real nutters too but I figure that's all part of the fun.
Right now I'm not in Oz but when I get back I really hope I run into lots more Nomads.
I always say Hi to whoever's around. Like Happywanderer though if a couple is sitting with their backs to the walkway I take it as a 'Do Not Disturb'. I've met some amazing people this way - some real nutters too but I figure that's all part of the fun.
Right now I'm not in Oz but when I get back I really hope I run into lots more Nomads.
Billeeeeeee and I went for a walk round the park before tea last night - small park, but took us at least an hour to get around - stopping to say g'day to lots of campers. and having a few laughs!! Always happens to us - stop for a chat, then another and on it goes. But we love it.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
I am shy until I get to know people too - although if someone says hello to me I will say hello back and ask them how they are. Sometimes it is easier to talk to solos then others - especially as wives tend to drag their husbands away!! Then again the guy over from me this morning insisted on helping me get packed up and his wife didn't find anything else for him to do.
It aint over until the fat lady sings, and I dont feel like singing just yet!
we take our dog for a walk around the park he always makes sure we get into chats as he is groomed with a beard and a fringe (he is a standard sized snauzer) and we soon work out the odd couple who dont want to chat and leave them alone "'it is a free country''
This topic has been up before, in other guises, and continues to glean similar responses. I think most seem to misunderstand what the question/query is.
It is not that "solos" do not chat, instigate conversation, with/to other travellers. When they (I) do 'make contact', a conversation is always forthcoming and pleasant.
However, I think what we "solos" usually suffer, is that 'couples' do not actually come over to instigate a chat, or say more than a salutory "Gday" on their way past.
Unless, I approach others, it is extremely rare for a couple to walk into (not past) my camp, sit down and have a chat.
Interestingly, should I engage in a conversation with a couple, the lady usually excuses herself and leaves me talking to the bloke. I guess women don't think they can have a conversation with a male - non-partner. I welcome the conversation of the lady because they usually want to talk about things other than football, beer, cars or politics. Women usually have a wider range of interesting conversation.
Anyway, that's my 10c worth - not meaning to be difficult - but, after three and a half years travelling, that is my experience.
Cheers - John
2006 Discovery 3 TDV6 SE Auto - 2008 23ft Golden Eagle Hunter Some people feel the rain - the others just get wet - Bob Dylan
I promise as well John but you may live to regret it but I do agree with you women do have a more diverse range of topics they like discussing in general. I love to chat about all things except sport lol cause it drives me damn crazy. But will talk about anything else including politics (the dreaded subject) or religion (another dreaded subject) . I hope we meet up when we get out on the road John and hubby hates talking about sport too lol. So to me its a win/win situation
I will chat to anyone - male or female - about most things - nothing too heavy though - mostly just light stuff these days - can't be bothered debating anymore! Hope always to meet a Grey Nomad - but haven't come across any by just chatting as yet - but lots of time to do so - would like to meet all you guys who are regulars on here, have met some, and they are great people - count them as friends.
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)