Well I finally left and went to York. Only a couple of hours from Perth. Stayed with friends on thier farm with the intention of going step by step over to Qld.
Put new tyres, serviced the van, fixed the problems that had to be fixed, joined CMCA solos, finished fitting out the van so all was ready to go. Being my first trip I tried not to think of all that could go wrong between Perth @ Laidley. Once I was in York, seemed the roads were smooth....until....
Nothing wrong with the van or myself but received a call from my daughter. She is travelling around Europe with a couple of friends. At least they were. My daughter (Nic) has some sort of infection and is on IV antibiotics in An Italian hospital. Results come in tomorrow so I have come back to Perth and instead of this seeing this wonderful country, I may have to settle with a trip to Italy.
Thanks to all of you that have encouraged me in my travels and hopfully I will be back on track soon.
Hope she recovers soon, and you can get back on track Colls. Life has a way of getting in the road of plans sometimes, as a few of us have learned over the last few years.
Here's hoping your daughter recovers quickly - very worrying to have children a long way away, and them not well. You will get on the road - at some time - just take life as it comes. And chillax!!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)