They say a man's home is his castle. Well hopefully this will be ours for a long time. Picked her up last Friday, hardly know she's befind the BT-50 & very comfortable. Powered camp at Nowra Showground Friday night, unpowered at Forbes Lion's Park free camp Saturday night, home Sunday & into the driveway pending addition of solar, etc. Now only have to finish the reno's, put the house on the market, sell or toss the stuff not needed & away we go (hopefully about a month or so)
Nomad, if we could departure date would be yesterday, but sadly we'd then have to come back (not this little black duck). Coromal Lifestyle 667 with the cross country pack, neilnruth. The night at Nowra was a surprise - was a party about a hundred metres from our camp at the showground but hardly heard them
Darrell & Sandra
Love the bush & our native environment. Conservationist, not a bloody Greenie.