Shame we didn't meet up with you while we were in Tassy, Kev. We love meeting new nomads.
G'day Jules. Yea I tried to get back to you to invite you to stay on the farm, that was after I figured out I had a personnel message.
But no worries I will soon be on the big Island and perhaps we will meet on the road somewhere.
Whilst your here havnt been to Melbourne in the last 4 years and apparently there has been major changes getting out of Melbourne, any tips or routes you reccomend. Want to head norwest or west then north.
-- Edited by way2gokev on Wednesday 13th of March 2013 10:28:08 PM
G'day Kev - just head straight to the WestGate Freeway - over the bridge and head towards the Hume Freeway - lots of signage - some areas are toll roads though - if you find you have been on one, go to a Post Office - purchase a day pass, within three days - heaps better than paying the fines, which turn a $10 trip into $100 with lates fees etc.
Whilst heading North tho, take a side trip to Greens Lake - a mecca for grey nomads - between Shepparton and Bendigo. When do you come over?
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Shame we didn't meet up with you while we were in Tassy, Kev. We love meeting new nomads.
 G'day Jules. Yea I tried to get back to you to invite you to stay on the farm, that was after I figured out I had a personnel message.
But no worries I will soon be on the big Island and perhaps we will meet on the road somewhere.
Whilst your here havnt been to Melbourne in the last 4 years and apparently there has been major changes getting out of Melbourne, any tips or routes you reccomend. Want to hea
Arrive from Tassie on the 1st April, get off the boat around 7.30 am, providing someone does not do something silly on April Fools Day.