Greeting from the Garden of Eden, (Greens lake,) I have a pic of a Resident of Greens lake, !!Who,!! may I say , !!Does not live there, Ken Thomas,,,,, lets all give ken a big clap ,,clap, clap, clap, !!And,!! may I say this about Ken,??? a very excited guy,,,,,,,, Billeeeeeee
Greetings and Salutations, all you Nutty Nomads, !!And a big kiss from Julie , to all the Nutters out there, , may I say a big Howdyeeeee to George ( George 57 ) ,,may I say something about George, George is a very excited Nomad,, remember Nomads we are not guaranteed tomorrow,, see you out there some where in planet beautiful..........Billeeeee PS that's Georges dog ,,,,its name is Fatdog.....hehehe
Greetings from Paradise Nomads, may I be so bold as to say this is what one and a half bottles of Cabernet Merlot does to some people thanks Ken,,,,, may I stop here for a moment and say this about ken, Mr excitement, Billeeeeeeee
it is hard, GaryKelly - but someone has to do it!!!!!!! Come on down - we will be here for quite a long time yet!!!!!! Time for you to get out on the road!!!!!
Would be good to meet you - Yeoeleven, Marj and probably others will be here soon!!!
As to photos of Billeeeeeee - I will see what I can come up with,hehehehehehee!!!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Thanks for the invite, Jules, but I still have a few medical issues to sort out before the big plunge. However. next week I'm throwing caution to the wind and embarking on my first shakedown now that PJ is just about finished. Yep, all of 17kms down the road to Wingham Brush for a couple of days.
Thanks for the invite, Jules, but I still have a few medical issues to sort out before the big plunge. However. next week I'm throwing caution to the wind and embarking on my first shakedown now that PJ is just about finished. Yep, all of 17kms down the road to Wingham Brush for a couple of days.
Wow - 17k???!! - doesn't matter how far you go, it is different, because it is not "home"!
Our shortest move between camps was 7k!!!!!!
Hope you get all your issues sorted, and can get out on the road pretty soon!!!!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Thanks for the invite, Jules, but I still have a few medical issues to sort out before the big plunge. However. next week I'm throwing caution to the wind and embarking on my first shakedown now that PJ is just about finished. Yep, all of 17kms down the road to Wingham Brush for a couple of days.
!!Gary,!! 17kms,, !!Wow,!! say it backwards, wow,, Greens lake is just down the road , a little..... pack your Meds,,, see you down here,,hehehe ,,,,we only get one shot at it , and the play ground is waiting for you,,,,,,,, Billeeeeeee
Wot you mean!...CONversation...was (ok)... I thought meeeeeeee and bileeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....brought intelligence to the table..maybe that's why you were...head rolling... Thank you for you your company hope to meet up in a few weeks take care till then..cya...that's you ken I'm talking about....
-- Edited by Highwayman on Saturday 12th of October 2013 08:22:30 AM
Were you going in , or coming out, billeeeeeeeeee? Going south. Just having breakfast at Yamba.Should be at 1770 by lunch . Going to Workmans beach. See ya on the road, Bill
So glad someone is up at Greens. My van is being service in Bendigo and I have to pick it up next week, might pop up for a night or two. When will Marj be arriving? Will be nice to see you and Jules again Billeeee. It is such a nice spot (long weekends aside).
Fond memories of the place.
Hope to see you next week.
So glad someone is up at Greens. My van is being service in Bendigo and I have to pick it up next week, might pop up for a night or two. When will Marj be arriving? Will be nice to see you and Jules again Billeeee. It is such a nice spot (long weekends aside). Fond memories of the place. Hope to see you next week. Tess
Hi Tess - we will be here for sure - Marj is leaving Harvey Bay on Monday (had to see her little grandson before she left) - Yeoeleven is around Tamworth, so would think he will be here by the end of next week - not sure who else will be around, maybe Patty (halfpint). Be good to see you!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)