After following your forum for many months, seeking out all the great advice, offered by the expert Grey Nomads, it is time we joined all the fun. Shas and I are still working at the moment but plan to retire full time in a few years. We started camping way back ( pre children ) in a Kombi Camper, but have not done much camping lately, however we can't wait to get started. After many years looking we have fallen in love with our new motor home. It's an " Auto Trail " from the UK, they are just being bought into Australia and we are lucky to be one of the first to have one. At first we were scared to death, but as the months have gone by waiting for it to arrive, Scary thoughts have turned to total excitement, we pick her up on Friday 6th. Just can't wait. Well here's looking forward to making many new friend on the road.
Greg & Shas
"Take kindly the council of the years gracefully surrendering the things of your youth"
Welcome to the site - hope you have a lot of fun in your motorhome!!! Great site to learn from on here!!! Make sure you read all the sub forums - some great information all through - ask questions, give advice, take advice - join in!!!
jules "Love is good for the human being!!" (Ben, aged 10)
Welcome from us as well Gregnshas. Hope you enjoy the forum and all it has to offer. Good info and good people. Ask any question and I am sure you will get the answer you are after...Alan..
Welcome from us too gregnshas . Have fun having short trips in your new motor home until that magic day of retirement. Just enjoy and hope you enjoy this forum too.
Thanks for the welcome everyone , yes it was scary to get the motor home but when we first saw it we fell in love with it the finish is superb, an island bed, which was a must for us, everything we wanted with out having to say " I can live with that" , everything was perfect. The model we are getting is the "Delaware" , I didn't really think at my age I was allowed to get his excited! but as it's only a couple of days away I can say I'm loosing sleep.
Greg & Shas
"Take kindly the council of the years gracefully surrendering the things of your youth"