hi my n Jen And Johname is Jen and my equal other is John.
John is a burnt out civil engineer and I am an old worn out nurse! We are reasonably new to the marriage bit although second round of nine years with 5 adult children between us in various states. Thankfully between us we have 8 gorgeous granchildren.
Our other love in life is getting away in the van to spend time exploring our wonderful country, we purchased a New Age Oz Classic in Novenber 2013. We are now almost ready to start our big trips and for long peroids of time. Although we previously owned a little pop top Jayco which we loved we didn't venture far away due to our work.
Now is our time to go further afield and I am sure if we run across some of you good people we will soon learn the tricks of the trade!
Our rig is a landcruiser towing an oz classic say hello if you see us on the road.
Happy and safe travels to one and all
Jen and John